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✨Introducing Loops, a fediverse TikTok platform.

Explore and share short videos on the fediverse using your Pixelfed or Mastodon account.

Available Soon.

Follow @loops for early access to the beta and updates.

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@pixelfed @loops @SheDrivesMobility Ganz bald vlt. eine spannende (Fediverse-)Alternative zu ..!?
V.a. mit Blick auf deine Herausforderung mit dem Algorithmus dort?

Priceless Planet

@pixelfed @loops Hoping that it doesn't end up with mindless content with many people trying to be as funny as possible.


We updated our bio links, they are now all verified ✅


@pixelfed just joined your Matrix room, though I don't know how active I'll be in it.

Michael Gisiger :mastodon:

@pixelfed Is there a way to verify a account on Mastodon? So far, I have failed miserably. :blobcatgooglyshrug:

Karel P Kerezman

@pixelfed Thanks for the reminder to have my webcomic link "verify."


Captured in pixels, a scene so bright,
Where colors play and bring delight.
But when April's first day comes into view,
A surprise awaits, both bold and new.


@pixelfed Pixelfed releases on April 1st? That’s got to be a joke. lol. 😂


We are still working on managed hosting!

Our project needs a sustainable source of income to help cover costs and we believe this is our best path forward.

The first service we will offer is semi-managed hosting where you bring your AWS/DigitalOcean/Hetzner API key and we install + provision Pixelfed for a low monthly fee.

You can cancel at anytime, and keep your instance + data.


Join the mailing list for updates:

We are still working on managed hosting!

Our project needs a sustainable source of income to help cover costs and we believe this is our best path forward.

The first service we will offer is semi-managed hosting where you bring your AWS/DigitalOcean/Hetzner API key and we install + provision Pixelfed for a low monthly fee.

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Many Core Forth Processor

I checkout out pixelfeed the other day. I would love to scroll though photos with no sensitive filers up. I have no idea how you mange the bandwidth costs.

Personally I would like the fediverse to embrace advertising.

Maybe this is a good reason to attend the . @fediforum

Vancha :fedora:

@pixelfed nice, can't have enough coverage on that! Especially useful for those looking to learn more about the inner workings of activitypub.

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Maybe nobody is saying anything because they can't. You know, because their services are down.

Le Con Poste

Pas seulement parce qu'il est en panne, son éthique est bien meilleure !


@pixelfed Will start using Pixelfed again when I can see NSFW content in my feed. I can't even see my OWN NSFW posts without clicking through to each one. This seems to be an existing issue for years.


✨ New Version Release (0.11.13)

Some highlights:

- Account Migrations
- Curated Onboarding
- Official Docker Support
- Remote Reports + Federation improvements
- Improved MastoAPI compat (👋 @ivory & @Tusky )


We are looking for 20 Android users to participate in the early Play Store beta release of our official app.

Apply here:

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Liaizon Wakest

@pixelfed this link will *not* load for me, it just gets stuck at "Build interface" I would love to betatest


Pixelfed + Curated Onboarding + Templates

Admins can now define reusable curated onboarding templates to more easily request more information, or to send messages!


‼️ Forgot what server you joined?

Just tap on "I forgot my server" and enter your username, then tap on "This is me"

We got you fam ✨

Simon Müller :ablobcatcoffee:

@pixelfed should be a standard feature of Fedi apps tbh

Not just those that are specific to one platform (e.g Mastodon), but also third-party apps and maybe even official built-in web frontends?

I mean, we already have the interaction redirect ("take me home"), why not put that onto the login page in case someone finds themselves on even if that isn't their server? 🤔

grant :blobcatgoogly:​

@pixelfed how are the servers decided on? This seems like it could be a way to steal accounts from people by taking their password and attempting it on other servers


Wondering why I can't view the public feed using the proprietary android app?...Works fine on the Web & from within 3rd party apps?


@pixelfed the bottom pager is a bit small on mobile for someone with piglike fingers like me. But i do like the new directory!


On Feb 25, we will increase the minimum allowed version from 0.11.6 to 0.11.12 on the server directory.

If you'd like to keep your directory listing on, please update to v0.11.12 ASAP!

(We are working on Curated Onboarding support to list curated-only approval instances on the directory)


@pixelfed This is now in effect, only servers running v0.11.12 and above will be allowed on


✨ ICYMI: Pixelfed v0.11.12 was released a few days ago. We highly recommend updating ASAP


Curated Onboarding does ask for your birthdate during the registration process

However, it's important to note that we don't store your birthdate (or transmit it in any way)

Rather we only use it to determine if you are old enough to register based on the region you're in.

The beautiful thing is that you can audit this yourself, all the code is public 😎


3 Big Releases in the past week!

Some highlights:
- Resilient Media Storage
- Video WebP2P
- Added User Domain Blocks
- Added Parental Controls
- Many S3 improvements
- Autospam Live Filters
- Added Software Update banner

In addition to a few security fixes and several bug fixes! We're making great progress 🚀

3 Big Releases in the past week!

Some highlights:
- Resilient Media Storage
- Video WebP2P
- Added User Domain Blocks
- Added Parental Controls
- Many S3 improvements
- Autospam Live Filters
- Added Software Update banner

In addition to a few security fixes and several bug fixes! We're making great progress 🚀

Carlos Solís
@pixelfed Gotta check if I can post and view text-only messages on Pixelfed, it sure sounds tempting to migrate

✨ New Version Release (0.11.12)

We advise admins to update ASAP!

This release includes some important security updates, as well as a new software update banner that is shown to admins!


@pixelfed Excuse my stupidity, but where can I find the upgrade instructions?
There's no search on the docs website, and the Release pages on github don't mention any process.
I found this: - is it still correct? The link to the official instructions is broken.


Edit: Shipped! 🚀

:pixelfed: Admins: We're about to ship a new Autospam feature to help mitigate spam from remote servers!

You should add the following to your .env so you're ready:


The last .env var is a comma separated list of content you want blocked!

Edit: Shipped! 🚀

:pixelfed: Admins: We're about to ship a new Autospam feature to help mitigate spam from remote servers!

You should add the following to your .env so you're ready:


David - Forking Mad a case sensitive search is easy to bypass. Case insensitive might have been better? Just and thought

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