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34 posts total
smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Exciting progress on making #Gitea full-blown member of the #fediverse

With 5k Euro already available for #foss contributors, a grant application to get #funding is being prepared.

#NGI is a likely grant to apply for, stimulating cross-atlantic EU/US collaboration.

#Golang developers once again take note!

This is your opportunity to work on a great project and part of initiative driven by #fedeproxy that'll focus on federating even more code forges.

Exciting progress on making #Gitea full-blown member of the #fediverse

With 5k Euro already available for #foss contributors, a grant application to get #funding is being prepared.

#NGI is a likely grant to apply for, stimulating cross-atlantic EU/US collaboration.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Lieu - "An alternative search engine. Created in response to the environs of apathy concerning the use of hypertext search and discovery. In Lieu, the internet is not what is made searchable, but instead one's own neighbourhood."

cc @darius interesting?

Darius Kazemi

@humanetech definitely. I know Alex and am following with interest :)

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@grishka idea on 'compliance profiles' is intriguing. Though it is a big step in an already 'overworked' community.

We may address in a #FediverseFutures topic. Is *somewhat* related to FEP and in terms of bringing clarity on interop opportunity.

This is more formal, and complex when moving to many linked data vocabs.

Btw, did you see my Murmurations idea?


@humanetech I did see it, but

- As with many SocialCG proposals, it's too theoretical. It's ideas built upon other ideas with what feels like no code written.
- It's per-instance. I'm looking for something per-actor, and preferably something that could be combined with privacy settings. Something that, given an actor and activity, could answer the question "can I send this actor this activity". The answer could be a simple yes/no but also something like "yes but only if they follow you".

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Hey, that is cool..

"From 26th April until 3rd May The European Commission is sponsoring a #Hackathon on the theme of Education, with #Jitsi"

There are prizes to win. One of the four sample challenges (you can pick your own) is to build an integration with #PeerTube instead of YouTube.

cc @peertube

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)


Jitsi seems to be #java .. anything for you @grishka .. get that 5,000 euro prize :)

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@ColinTheMathmo I just noticed some weird issue with Chartodon SVG, where an upload to Discourse shows only the connector lines..

Will erase that post soon, but its on this link:

The SVG shows perfectly fine when viewed locally.

Colin the Mathmo

@humanetech Hmm ... not sure what to do about that. If the SVG shows fine when viewed locally, and fine on the server to which it's uploaded, then it must be on the system you're using to display it, and I don't have any control over that.

I'd be happy to receive suggestions for action to take.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Hi #fediverse

Wanna brainstorm some what-ifs?

Federated Moderation: What if Moderation was an #activitypub extension and moderation actions would federate to ease the life of mods + admins?

Delegated Moderation: What if moderators weren't bound to instances, and could just jump in on another instance to help do the work?

Moderation-as-a-Service: What if mods provided their services via federated @activitypub models, gained trust and reputation based on your feedback?


@humanetech No, the fact that moderation is fully decentralized, and I'd say entirely optional, is a feature, not a bug. There's no need to fix it. There is a need for robust spam filters though because that problem is only a matter of time.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Hi #fediverse

@activitypub and TBL's #SolidProject complement each other. #solid community is also the place to ask about #linkeddata on which #activitypub is based.

But there are things that worry me about the tech. It's commercially driven from Inrupt, the community is not actively engaged. This is not good for the #foss movement.

Solid was also strangely positioned, and e.g. on Hacker News never well-understood.

For #FediverseFutures I've voiced my concern. See:

Григорий Клюшников

This project promises to change to world, yet I've not seen someone actually use it. It also promises a lot of theoretical stuff yet not much of it is implemented in practice, or at least it feels such.

Григорий Клюшников

Realistically though, you'd want not a "no phone", but a "non-addictive phone". Like, a feature phone. It makes calls. It receives SMS. You could install Opera Mini on it and browse the web, at lightning-fast GPRS speeds, if you REALLY have to. Heck, you could even make yourself an OMA IMPS gate for whatever IM services you absolutely need to stay connected to at all times. But its restrictive nature would prevent you from being addicted to always checking it.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Did you know about the 💖 wonderful humanetech decision made by @dansup for #pixelfed ?

Such a hopeful move for #fediverse as a playground and innovation space for humane technologists.

Just quoted it in a post to the new #SocialHub related Lemmy space I created yesterday:

But here are the original toots:

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

At #SocialHub we need to think about next stages of #fediverse development.

Do we still think too small?

What I observe is that - while federated #activitypub apps are the goal - application design approach is more or less as follows:

- I want forum → I develop forum → How can forum federate?
- I want video → I develop video → How can video federate?

As a result we get Microblogging-enabled apps. But what does true #interoperability of @activitypub apps look like?

At #SocialHub we need to think about next stages of #fediverse development.

Do we still think too small?

What I observe is that - while federated #activitypub apps are the goal - application design approach is more or less as follows:

- I want forum → I develop forum → How can forum federate?
- I want video → I develop video → How can video federate?


@humanetech IMO "true interoperability" between disparate software should be such that only the features that intersect between the two are interoperable. For example, if someone makes a hypothetical forum, it won't make much sense for it to interoperate with Mastodon. It totally could, but that would be detrimental to the UX.

For example, Smithereen groups and walls aren't interoperable with the existing microblogging software, and it's fine.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Baserow, an open-source, self-hostable alternative to Airtable.

Cool! Check it out at:

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Congratulations 🎉 @lightone with the 3 year anniversary of Fediverse Party and many thanks for all the *fantastic* work you have done to craft this beautiful 💖 #fediverse resource!

Don't know about ? 'Bout time to pay a visit :)

The site adresses #fedi and fedi dev audience quite well. I volunteer in your efforts to make this site kick some ass in reaching the unkempt masses beyond our realms. Get more ppl out of that toxic mess.

Who helps us?

Congratulations 🎉 @lightone with the 3 year anniversary of Fediverse Party and many thanks for all the *fantastic* work you have done to craft this beautiful 💖 #fediverse resource!

Don't know about ? 'Bout time to pay a visit :)

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@cwebber @darius I posted this in the #apconf2020 Q&A chat as idea of 'good-stuff-to-revive-but-federated':

Creatures2 by Creatures Labs revived from 1998:

"Build relationships with the world's most advanced artificial life available today. Breed them. Nurture them. Teach them. Explore with them. You can even exchange them over the internet. Creatures 2 brings your computer to life, with a stunning environment complete with its own ecosystem, good guys and bad guys!"

@cwebber @darius I posted this in the #apconf2020 Q&A chat as idea of 'good-stuff-to-revive-but-federated':

Creatures2 by Creatures Labs revived from 1998:

"Build relationships with the world's most advanced artificial life available today. Breed them. Nurture them. Teach them. Explore with them. You can even exchange them over the internet. Creatures 2 brings your computer to life, with a stunning environment complete with its own ecosystem, good guys and bad guys!"

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@cwebber @darius the creatures had genes, a neuronal network, and an emotion system. Their interactive environment and the way you treated them (slap, stroke, feed, starve, etc.) determined their character. You could breed them with other creatures, mixing genes, and see traits come back in offspring. Both eggs and creatures could be exchanged over the internet via a community. There was a marketplace with all kinds of items for the environment, brain upgrades, gen modifications, with editors.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Searching for a - preferably #FOSS - #forum software, implemented in #PHP that I can install on a shared hosting provider which only offers me SFTP, no ssh access and also no Composer I can use.

Furthermore the forum should be private, or have protected non-public areas.

I can install bbPress, but don't know if I can properly restrict to authenticated users only.

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