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smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Hi #fediverse

Wanna brainstorm some what-ifs?

Federated Moderation: What if Moderation was an #activitypub extension and moderation actions would federate to ease the life of mods + admins?

Delegated Moderation: What if moderators weren't bound to instances, and could just jump in on another instance to help do the work?

Moderation-as-a-Service: What if mods provided their services via federated @activitypub models, gained trust and reputation based on your feedback?


@humanetech No, the fact that moderation is fully decentralized, and I'd say entirely optional, is a feature, not a bug. There's no need to fix it. There is a need for robust spam filters though because that problem is only a matter of time.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@grishka in my idea moderation is still fully decentralized but it becomes part of the fabric of Fediverse itself, instead of being an instance by instance app-specific thing (an app can of course still ignore implementing it, choose their own way).

Also there would be more visibility to this time-consuming and under-appreciated job.

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