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smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Hi #fediverse

@activitypub and TBL's #SolidProject complement each other. #solid community is also the place to ask about #linkeddata on which #activitypub is based.

But there are things that worry me about the tech. It's commercially driven from Inrupt, the community is not actively engaged. This is not good for the #foss movement.

Solid was also strangely positioned, and e.g. on Hacker News never well-understood.

For #FediverseFutures I've voiced my concern. See:

1 comment
Григорий Клюшников

This project promises to change to world, yet I've not seen someone actually use it. It also promises a lot of theoretical stuff yet not much of it is implemented in practice, or at least it feels such.

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