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16 posts total
Jeff Jarvis

My op-ed proposing that the soon-empty Bell Labs be turned into a Museum and School of the Internet is in print in today's @starledger. I'll post the text tomorrow for those outside of NJ. Here's the link to it on @njdotcom. Yes, print is still nice.

Jeff Jarvis

Internet companies attack the open web on multiple fronts: FB/IG, Twitter, now TikTok test paywalls. FB/IG, now Twitter deprecate links, the basis of the web. Thank goodness for Mastodon.

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Tom Schaffer

@jeffjarvis Paywalls are good. Sometimes they really succeed in monetizing a good thing. But mostly they kill off stuff that basically in the long run needs to die anyway.

Sean Woods

@jeffjarvis I'm finding that "platforms" and "search engines" all seem to go through the process of enshitification.

I'm back to having to maintain bookmarks just to find the manual pages I access regularly. If I look for "tcl string command" I have to wade through pages and pages of stackoverflow threads that eventually have a post (usually from me) posting the link to the manual page with the real answer.

Nobody finds my etsy site from the ads I pay for. 99% of my sales are word of mouth.

Sean Woods

@jeffjarvis I feel like we need a new circle on the old "you are here" dystopia chart which includes "The Machine Stops"

Dragon-sided D

Mozilla should commit to simply ignoring censorship laws.

Let France go pound sand.

Jeff Jarvis

Good look at the impact of open-source and small models on AI:
"What was once the reserve of the resource-rich has become a playground for anyone with curiosity, coding skills, and a good laptop."
This isn’t the first time companies have ignored the power of the open-source community.

Erick RM

@jeffjarvis Well said Mr. Jarvis, specifically about having a good laptop.



Real open source LLMs predate LLAMA by years. The article seems to ignore this.

GPT-J 6B is a transformer model with 6 billion trainable parameters. It was released by the non-profit research group Eleuther AI in July 2020. The model is based on a 825 gigabyte open-source language modeling data set called The Pile.

To self-host GPT-J 6B, you may need a machine with at least 48 GB RAM, a minimum of 12-16 GB GPU RAM for inference, and about 90 GB GPU RAM for training.

Jeff Jarvis

Another good change in the latest Mastodon build (there are frequent changes on @Gargron's instance): Now private mentions are well labeled and -- even better -- marked by a different color. Thank you!

Jeff Jarvis

A fake news bill, or call it an official truth bill; either way....
Google clashes with Brazil over disinformation bill

Jeff Jarvis

Confession: I have been on that Other Site for the last few hours talking about Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon because ... well, this is a good example of why I do miss search here. I want to see what people are saying; I want to know the latest reporting; and, yes, I want to quote-tweet NYTimes Pitchbot. Now it's OK if the community of Mastodon decides it doesn't want to be a key place for news but I'd regret that. And I'm not speaking so much as a journalist but as news user.

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It's Pronounced DEETS

@jeffjarvis you're a broken record and like most broken records not worth listening to.


@jeffjarvis I hate to promote Mastodon but rounds up a bunch of posts that don't have hashtags

Jeff Jarvis

Thank goodness for Nilay Patel exposing the feckless, spineless, accessory to racism and other noxious speech that Substack is. Nilay gave Best multiple opportunities to say the right thing. He would not.

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Csepp 🌢

@jeffjarvis Transcript, for those who don't want to go through another platform with a terrible moderation and privacy record:


@jeffjarvis thanks for sharing. This short clip hits the spot in so many ways. It’s also a great demonstration of the power of well timed silences.

Chris Trottier

@jeffjarvis Proving once again that purveyors of walled gardens don’t have our best interests at heart.

Jeff Jarvis

If Substack were a decent company, it would have federated its Notes with ActivityPub. The last thing we need is another conversational platform controlled by one company known for promoting questionable opinions.

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Rev. GothAlice

@jeffjarvis @donmelton ActivityPub + XMPP feel like a good technology stack combination. With XMPP handling bidirectional friendship presence announcement, real-time chat, and trivial P2P file transfers, and ActivityPub handling the larger-scale Operational Transform of content across the network.

It’s not like Facebook Messenger isn’t XMPP. Or Apple’s Messages. Or GTalk.

Because they are.

And **used** to be universally federated.

Ben Pate 🤘🏻

@jeffjarvis I can’t speak to SubStack as a company, or it’s ethics, but remember that ActivityPub is hard, timelines are tight, and the infrastructure underpinning most companies looks a lot more like a Rube Goldberg machine than any of us should be comfortable with. So, why build that into version 1.0? It’s very possible that management is taking a “wait and see” approach to this whole Notes thing.


@jeffjarvis @donmelton On Mastodon I discovered Substack. I also discovered why I shouldn’t use it. God, that saves me so much time and struggle. LOL.

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Yet another Russian asset, so much is clear…

Lingua Franca

@jeffjarvis I’m not an electric car expert, but my guess would be that sourcing raw materials at a reasonable price is crucial for maintaining the kind of profit margins that makes Wall Street happy. So Musk is actually, Putin’s and Xi’s bitch.

Dwight Silverman

@jeffjarvis There are so many “very nice” Mastodon apps at the moment - at least in the iOS and macOS space - that I find myself jumping between them. I can’t decide which is best, so I use them all.

I’ve kind of settled on Mona for macOS and Ice Cubes for iOS, but I also use Ivory and Mona on iOS. On ipadOS, it’s Ice Cubes mostly. Then I find something new and live in it for a while. It’s a good problem to have!

Jeff Jarvis

#FediForum is just beginning. Join now. An unconference about the future of ... this.

Jeff Jarvis

No, no, no, God damnit, Washington Post, this is not a "new normal." The point you should be making is just how abnormal this is. But instead you quite literally normalize the criminal running for president.
Trump campaign prepares for ‘new normal’: Running under indictment

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@jeffjarvis The fact a criminal can run president shows the USA needs to take a long hard look at itself.


@jeffjarvis all american media exists for now is to put the imprimatur of "normal" onto the grossest of behaviors. the anniversary of the iraq war has reminded us that they'll bend over backwards to parrot the lies of government, the war industry and anyone else wealthy enough to pay for play.

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@jeffjarvis That man is so good at digging himself into holes.


@jeffjarvis I think it's rather stupid to make important decisions based on a poll. Use a poll to choose what you should have for lunch, but not choosing when someone should be unbanned or if Musk should keep his job.

Jeff Jarvis

I will give big points to the first news organization, big or small, that:
* Sets up an instance for its newsroom,
* Sets up an instance for the community it serves,
* Enables rel=me for staff,
* Creates a boost-on-Mastodon sharing function,
* Enhances that function so headlines/images (with alt-text) appear in the toot,
* Covers the Fediverse as more than a geeky curiosity or alt-Twitter,
* Listens to and joins in the conversation here.

Jeff Jarvis

You might ask how this is journalistic. Well, the first obligation of journalism is not to producing the commodity we call content but instead to serving the health of public discourse. I mean my suggestions as a tangible means of demonstrating that. Is there work? Yes. Is there risk? Yes. The greater risk is not to engage with the communities we serve, not to listen.

Jeff Jarvis

I'm proud to announce that we at the Newmark Journalism School's Tow-Knight Center provided initial funding for the Mastodon instance that @adamdavidson and a team of volunteers are running and moderating for journalists.

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Robb Montgomery

@jeffjarvis @adamdavidson @craignewmark That is a good start. should also think support as well. we need a pool of donors and more than one news hub to be smart about this. Does that make sense.

The Media C-Suite

@jeffjarvis @adamdavidson
The Media C-Suite applauds you. Thank you for what you do.

Esoter1k 👑

@jeffjarvis @adamdavidson Good. About time real journalism find a safer place in the internet.

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