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Jeff Jarvis

No, no, no, God damnit, Washington Post, this is not a "new normal." The point you should be making is just how abnormal this is. But instead you quite literally normalize the criminal running for president.
Trump campaign prepares for ‘new normal’: Running under indictment

Martin Vermeer FCD

@jeffjarvis "You can look at Alvin Bragg as the Manhattan D.A., see that he’s a partisan"

Martin Vermeer FCD

@jeffjarvis Actually running for president while in prison is an old, honourable American normal. But no, TFG is no Eugene Debs. Should be pointed out more.

Timo Grün

It’s a result of faulty inverse logic: Anyone who is a candidate is by definition a fully valid political player and must be treated on exactly the same basis as all the others.


@jeffjarvis They must have their brains twisted into non-sensical knots to come up with this shit.


@caseyjonesed @jeffjarvis reminder: the washington post is owned by the biggest wealth addict of all time.

Jean-Francois Mezei

@jeffjarvis innocent until proven guilty. Even if indicted, drama actor Trump can continue to perform in front of live audiences until a court finds him guilty. He has political money and large cult following and will shift both to support deSantis in exchange for a pardon.

Jean-Francois Mezei

@jeffjarvis his crimes of trying to influence Georgia elections and supporting indirection should have been dealt with via impeachment and that failed. Very hard to prove without any doubt that he organized the Insurrection instead of thinking this was to be a protest (and others organized it without telling him for deniability ) and he is enough of idiot that one can argue he wouldn’t know how to organize insurrection.

Durff, PhD

@jeffjarvis Criminals should be excluded from running for anything elected office. We need to spread this word. There is nothing normal about it. People who vote for criminals are enablers.

British Tech Guru

@Durff @jeffjarvis dig into the background of any politician and you'll find something shady and criminal.

Wren Birdie (she/her)

Who in their right mind thinks this is normal???

How on earth did we get here? When did we abandon logic and reason for madness???


Miah Johnson

@jeffjarvis WP needs to change it's motto from 'Democracy Dies in Darkness' to 'Democracy Dies Everytime We Print'


@jeffjarvis these so called journalists are pissing me off

Wade Wainio

@jeffjarvis It's safe to say all Presidents have committed crimes. Seems that no one thought to ask about indictment logistics before jumping on the "let's normalize criminality" bandwagon. Now we're in the event of a President finally being held accountable for something and they don't know what to do.

Kat ♾️

@jeffjarvis @tlemmink

Can’t convince me Bezos isn’t pushing this crap. Billionaires love Trump.

Steve Torrente

@jeffjarvis I'm pretty sure Lyndon LaRouche ran for president in 1988 while under indictment for fraud and obstruction. Totally normal.

John Bonomi

@theLastTheorist @jeffjarvis And Eugene Debs before that in 1920. He got almost a million votes!

John Bonomi

@theLastTheorist @jeffjarvis As a quick follow up, I want to say that I hold Debs in a much higher esteem than either LaRouche or Trump.

Steve Torrente

@john @jeffjarvis agreed - but it'll be a good trivia question in our dystopian future. "What do Eugene Debs, Lyndon LaRouche, and Donald Trump all have in common?"


@jeffjarvis ...The deception instilled by Putin and influenced by those who are not real Christians,the Devils doing has already shown how many millions have been killed by the lack of decisions and the theft of millions of taxpayer dollars and its ongoing still to stop this continuing behavior, eliminating all the deceit and stop ability to Communistic take over, women already being damaged:world is being taken backwards NOT FORWARD...RID EVIL...

Chris Williams


The "Overton Window" now has bars on it.


@jeffjarvis you’re 💯 percent correct. Nothing about this is normal, and it should not be accepted by anyone. This is all so disdainful.



Whappo is bought and paid for republican propaganda, bro. Been that way for awhile.


@jeffjarvis Sort LIKE we NORMALIZED the KKK.. damn people.. therapy.



Is there any major city or national newspaper who you think is consistently getting these stories "right"?

I subscribe to the WaPost. Cancelled my subscription to the NY Times & ChiTrib. No longer watch CNN or MSNBC. Never watched FOX.

Where can I get trusted news where editorial and columnist don't too often support agenda of rich & powerful?

Deborah MacPherson

@jeffjarvis @washingtonpost has taken a hard turn to the right. Is it editor Sally Buzbee going for clicks? Jeff Bezos? What happened to this once great paper?

Jeff Jarvis

@DebMacP @washingtonpost
My diagnosis, based only on guess from observation, is that it's AP both-sideism -- a cousin of Times both-sideism -- come to roost, like The Times trying to demonstrate to readers: See, we're not liberal. We attack liberals. We normalize fascists.

Airplanista 🇺🇦

@jeffjarvis Jeff with you 100% on this. Nothing today is “normal,” not politics, not humanity, not common courtesy, not the weather, not ethics, not morality and certainly not the truth.


@jeffjarvis remember the big deal they made about Clinton getting a BJ.
Blows my mind all the shit Cheeto messiah has gotten away with

Mac Knowles

Sigh. The ol' horse race.
I'm disappointed Josh Dawsey signed that.

Musta dawned on me thusly


The prosecution has to prove two things: the payoff money to #Cohen came from campaign funds, and #Trump knew about it. The first should be easily provable, the latter needs more than a he-said-she-said from Cohen.

It's the least of the charges Trump's facing, but recall #Capone was convicted of mere tax evasion, but that was a life sentence.


@jeffjarvis they want it normalized to cover their asses--not We, The People’s!!


Normalizing trump’s criminal @ norm-shattering behavior for years is how we got here!! Refuse to accept the UNacceptable!


@jeffjarvis What really baffles me is why you'd subscribe to something perpetuating the chaos, offer links to it to drive it's click counts and revenue, and essentially rewarding the behavior. Actions speak louder than words, and your actions favor their "reporting"

Jeff Jarvis

I'm a media critic and a journalism professor and an author writing a next book much about journalism. Pretty hard--not to mention irresponsible--to criticize media without reading it.


@jeffjarvis Whew do I stand corrected ...thanks for showing how media has been corrupted, it is important


@jeffjarvis I stand corrected ​Definitions and Synonyms
phrase​spoken formal. DEFINITIONS1. used for saying that you accept that you are wrong about something. Synonyms and related words. Ways of agreeing with someone.


There's no big money in democracy and socialism. Better an oligarchic autocracy than a democracy if you want to get rich, like the owners of the Washington Post. Money talks, the public welfare walks.


@jeffjarvis The debasement of our civil society continues apace with major newspapers simply dispassionately chronicling it.

The new normal is a criminal suspect running for president. The new normal is Congress attempting to strongarm prosecutors into abandoning the pursuit of Justice. The new normal is women in many states dying due to the illegality of medical care. The new normal is fascist gangs violently attacking LGBT events. The new normal is Black history school bans.

Alexander S.G.M.

@jeffjarvis seriously this is like something out of a distopian fiction novel


@jeffjarvis The fact a criminal can run president shows the USA needs to take a long hard look at itself.


@jeffjarvis all american media exists for now is to put the imprimatur of "normal" onto the grossest of behaviors. the anniversary of the iraq war has reminded us that they'll bend over backwards to parrot the lies of government, the war industry and anyone else wealthy enough to pay for play.

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