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Jeff Jarvis

If Substack were a decent company, it would have federated its Notes with ActivityPub. The last thing we need is another conversational platform controlled by one company known for promoting questionable opinions.

Droid Boy :coolified:

@jeffjarvis That would have been cool, indeed! Nevertheless a company still can be decent by not implementing Activity Pub. Sometimes it might be even better to not have everybody post their bullshit :)

Mark 🦆

@jeffjarvis You are absolutely right BUT it was a little bit delicious to witness former journalist Matt Taibbi realize publicly that Musk isn’t nearly the hero he thought he was while at the same time completely shredding any remaining credibility he ever had over this whole Substack notes thing.


@jeffjarvis not an ethical company. They removed copyright notices on open source software they borrowed from

Dave Winer ☕️

@jeffjarvis — or at least allowed people to post to it via an api.

Rev. GothAlice

@jeffjarvis @donmelton ActivityPub + XMPP feel like a good technology stack combination. With XMPP handling bidirectional friendship presence announcement, real-time chat, and trivial P2P file transfers, and ActivityPub handling the larger-scale Operational Transform of content across the network.

It’s not like Facebook Messenger isn’t XMPP. Or Apple’s Messages. Or GTalk.

Because they are.

And **used** to be universally federated.

Ben Pate 🤘🏻

@jeffjarvis I can’t speak to SubStack as a company, or it’s ethics, but remember that ActivityPub is hard, timelines are tight, and the infrastructure underpinning most companies looks a lot more like a Rube Goldberg machine than any of us should be comfortable with. So, why build that into version 1.0? It’s very possible that management is taking a “wait and see” approach to this whole Notes thing.


@jeffjarvis @donmelton On Mastodon I discovered Substack. I also discovered why I shouldn’t use it. God, that saves me so much time and struggle. LOL.

Ollie Francis

@Bluedepth @jeffjarvis @donmelton

What's the federate version of Substack? The services I've found tend to miss a good discovery engine.

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