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535 posts total
bouncepaw πŸ„

This toot is doing numbers, and so am I 😎

bouncepaw πŸ„

Some people say you should do everything you can in order to get the result you want. I think it's not true in general. Sometimes you gotta stop and think before you act. Sometimes you should reconsider. Sometimes you might be just wrong. Sometimes you have to submit. Sometimes you indeed have to pursue your goal with all might. Sometimes you should wait in shadows.

// Watching a shōnen anime where the main character wins through determination only. Ridiculous! Funny show though.

bouncepaw πŸ„


bouncepaw πŸ„

Somewhere in the world, there is a wall, out of which 12 open pipes of different length emerge. Sometimes these pipes play beautiful melodies by themselves. The pipes are not usual, they're actually parts of the body of a creature that is sealed in this wall. Few know their name, for few learned their language. You can read some excerpts from a lost journal that was found by Ishmael during his travels below:

#Pipepunk #ShortStory

bouncepaw πŸ„

Hey @prahou can you make propaganda for the upcoming Mycorrhiza 1.15 release?

bouncepaw πŸ„

I try not to think about the climate situation too much. It's clear I will live in a burning world. Just gotta provide myself the luxury of living in a place that won't be so affected by this and is modern enough for my wants and needs (you know, internet, medicine, food abundance). Inaction is my choice. I kinda accepted it. Hottest year of them all? Yes, of course! Wait until you see the next one.

Insomnia thoughts. Won't have enough sleep before the electricity consuming work tomorrow.


@bouncepaw 2010: "Every thirty seconds, one person's lifetime of recycling plastic is effectively negated by what's poured out of Deepwater Horizon" [edit: based on a decade-old half-remembered newsbite and flamboyant misapplication of unit conversion math]


2024: "Plastics recycling has always been basically a lie"


bouncepaw πŸ„

So many people my age, id est almost all of them, express their uncertainty of what career they want to pursue. I'm somewhat unique in that regard because I chose the programming path quite early and never changed my opinion since then.

So, what is the conclusion we can make? I guess it's that people universally don't really want a career.

Levi Beach πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

@bouncepaw my theory is since we are constantly bombarded with politics, climate change, wars, AI, late stage capitalism, social media, influencers, etc, young people don't really see themselves as valuable let alone having a future. My advice is to stop paying attention to what everyone else is doing, and focus on what you want out of life. A good starting point is understanding yourself, your goals, your strengths, your passions. TBF none of that is easy or straight forwardβ€”but that's life.


@bouncepaw I feel like programming is my dharma. I still feel compelled to do it even though I've chosen a different career

bouncepaw πŸ„

Somebody here mentioned Bibliomania yesterday, so I have read it. It was short and wonderful. Highly recommended, just the kind of stories I love.

And I myself would choose to stay in the room, of course.


bouncepaw πŸ„

Fav activities on dayjob: editing the wiki and marking tasks as done.

bouncepaw πŸ„

In my pocket:

Student ID
Dorm pass
Office pass
Debit card = transport and food pass

In other pocket:

Phone = society pass

There is also a passport in my backpack. The medical insurance document and the weird little military document are in it as well, along with three photos of K-pop idols I sometimes show to impress people.

So much identity to carry around!

In my pocket:

Student ID
Dorm pass
Office pass
Debit card = transport and food pass

In other pocket:

Phone = society pass

There is also a passport in my backpack. The medical insurance document and the weird little military document are in it as well, along with three photos of K-pop idols I sometimes show to impress people.


Still Better than single identity pass.

bouncepaw πŸ„

First day at my first dayjob. I'm yet to receive a copy of the IDE and Docker and whatnot. Was busy doing formal org stuff. Office is kinda fun?

bouncepaw πŸ„

I have a special playlist for the end of summer. Maybe I should have one for the beginning of spring? Open for recommendations

bouncepaw πŸ„

Bought three chicories. One with a German flag, implying its German origin; in a cool bottle. One of the store brand (the one with the sunflower). One liquid??? My friend AKA chicory expert told me the liquid ones are stronger than alcohol and should be consumed moderately after mixing with a lot of water. We'll see.

bouncepaw πŸ„

I love leap years. Always happy for those who have their rare birthdays on the 29th.

bouncepaw πŸ„

My new way of flirting: asking to draw birches for me.

DELETED dang, I'm too spoiled to read this properly first time :(

bouncepaw πŸ„

Looking at them logs.

~/log --> cat betula-bouncepaw-2024-02-27.txt | grep 'got deleted' | wc -l

Translation: at least 32870 Mastodon spams were sent towards my little server so far.

#ActivityPub #FediDev

bouncepaw πŸ„

I regret betting on IndieWeb first when developing Betula. Now I'm left with a bad architecture regarding reposts.

bouncepaw πŸ„

wind howling outside
three guys scrolling their phones
not saying a word

bouncepaw πŸ„

snowy february
the birds didn't like my backpack
government drones


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