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bouncepaw 🍄

@toby3d IndieWeb has no concept of an ActivityPub actor (obviously). ActivityPub has it (obviously). Now that Betula is all-in for ActivityPub, I am left with reposts with no original actor stored in DB or no original actor вообще в целом концептуально, because I reposted a non-Betula site once or twice. Should I retroactively try to fetch actors for them? Should I maintain a possibility of actorless reposts forever? Should I break these reposts?

Alexander Cobleigh

@bouncepaw @toby3d can you refactor and migrate the database? or change it so that going forward all future posts follow the AP paradigm rather than the indieweb one?

bouncepaw 🍄

@cblgh @toby3d I'll do my best! But if I started it all with AP in my mind in the first place, it would've been so much easier!

Maxim Lebedev

@bouncepaw It is better to use your own objects, which are able to transform into both the data format of one protocol and another.

bouncepaw 🍄

@toby3d yeah, I have them, but they turned out to be not so extensible

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