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535 posts total
bouncepaw 🍄

The security department of my future employer called me and asked about Mycorrhiza and Betula. That was funny.

bouncepaw 🍄

Uh oh the Betula bookmarklet does not work in Fennec. You, of all browsers! Will I ever find a mobile browser that has all of the following: proper text field autocompletion, proper HTTP Basic Auth support and, well, bookmarklets? Mobile Chrome used to be one, but it started forgetting the auth credentials. I'm open for recommendations.

bouncepaw 🍄

Next Mastodon client I'm trying is Megalodon.

Previously: Mastodon for Android
Previously: Fedilab Lite

bouncepaw 🍄

Megalodon fetches pronouns from the data fields of profiles and shows them in the feed. That's like next century tech. Very cool.

bouncepaw 🍄

Updated added

As for the forge, the Explore feature is not available without authorization. Is this intended?


@bouncepaw woah this went up, that's hype!

Who's managing it?

bouncepaw 🍄

Digging through the archive of my 2018—2019 era screenshots from an old phone is so fun! Deleting boring pictures, reminding people of some old stuff. Sorting everything. Fun fun fun

bouncepaw 🍄

Looking at my old photos circa 2019. WHO told me that having THIS HAIRCUT would be a good idea? Cringe levels oscillating around 97 %. I hope everyone has forgotten that...


C'mon. Post some photos.

bouncepaw 🍄

Woah the Analog Nowhere website has grown to be very cool (it used to be just cool)


@bouncepaw it's constantly evolving! I even started updating the rss feed :flan_alien:


@bouncepaw /support, get it? because she's supporting @mwl's book with her head?

I'll see myself out.

bouncepaw 🍄

Due to the effective #unix_surrealism propaganda, installed OpenBSD on my new server. However, for some reason it ended up being installed on sd1, not sd0. Works fine when you select the booting device manually, but can't do that all the time. Modifying SeaBIOS boot order is like fighting the titans. Didn't succeed in merging the two. Severe skill issue. If I lose my interest tomorrow, I'll make a refund on the VPS and get a Fedora on a different machine.

Next time, Puffy...


@bouncepaw 🤔 I don't get it. The machine has a single physical disk?

Did you encrypt the installation?


@bouncepaw What does it do if you don't intervene in the boot at all?

But then also, with OpebBSD you'd have to reboot like twice a year or less, so that should taper out to a no problem kind of problem :)

bouncepaw 🍄

Меня так прикалывает, что в имейлах техподдержки моего провайдера сервера указан ICQ-номер. Рабочий ли он вообще?

bouncepaw 🍄

4th day of fighting my YouTube shorts addiction. I'll fight it just as I fought the TikTok addiction a couple years back, as a winner.

Marcelle Rusu

@bouncepaw lfg, I'm right behind you :)

yea tiktok surprisingly just missed me, and I'm not too bad with the regular social media these days, youtube short has got me though.

bouncepaw 🍄

Found a loophole in my YouTube Shorts addiction fighting scheme. You see, back when I was addicted to TikTok in 2021, I downloaded quite a bit of videos I liked back then. And now my phone has little free space. Combine the two: I have to watch these videos and delete the ones that aren't still funny.

bouncepaw 🍄

It's so wonderful to look at my old notes and ideas from 2019—2021 (all neatly organized in a Mycorrhiza, of course). Young Bounce was so cool and imaginative! Teach me! Extra delight happens when 4-year-old ideas reemerge.

bouncepaw 🍄

@forgejo is considering becoming a hard fork of Gitea. This is a change I warmly welcome. I'm somewhat surprised it is “being considered” and not “was done last year”. I expect most forks to be hard forks.

Maxim Lebedev

@bouncepaw What is a hard fork? What are its major differences between Forgejo and Gitea? :thinking:

Hécate Moonlight

@bouncepaw @forgejo they had to determine if they had solid shoulders for this first :p

bouncepaw 🍄

Today I've bitten everyone I could. Beware!

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@bouncepaw this is a very interesting post as it raises a multitude of philosophical questions.

You've bitten everyone you could today? Truly, you've reached the potential number of people you COULD have bitten? This is where the interpretation comes into place. Maybe you can't bite everyone, but rather have some sort of moral compass that only allows you to bite certain kind of people, but the way I see it every person that crossed your path today was bitten. Not only that, but in order to bite everyone you could, you must've gone out of your way to find people to bite, so I'd assume. Otherwise you didn't bite everyone you could as you didn't maximize your potential here.

I'm very interested in the number of people you bote (yes, I'm inventing this as the past tense of bite).

@bouncepaw this is a very interesting post as it raises a multitude of philosophical questions.

You've bitten everyone you could today? Truly, you've reached the potential number of people you COULD have bitten? This is where the interpretation comes into place. Maybe you can't bite everyone, but rather have some sort of moral compass that only allows you to bite certain kind of people, but the way I see it every person that crossed your path today was bitten. Not only that, but in order to bite...

bouncepaw 🍄

Watched the old #Dune film. Read my review (7 paragraphs):

TL;DR:. The new one is better. I liked some parts of the old one.

bouncepaw 🍄

You think your website is lacking attention from the broader web? You think your server gets too little requests? I have a solution for you!

Make an #ActivityPub server! The mastoda of this networks will keep your server busy! You will finally get all the attention! [1]

1: Presence of subscribers is not promised.

Mike P

@bouncepaw You, too, can receive a notification any time someone gets banned from Mastodon for posting spam! ;)

bouncepaw 🍄

All the Mastodon servers in existence tell my Betula that their users get deleted. I have never interacted with these servers nor users, hey! My inbox is full of these.

#FediDev folks, why is it like that?


@bouncepaw You can think of it as a rite of passage for fediverse devs.

bouncepaw 🍄

The domain calls it Bookmark. My mind calls it Post. The ActivityPub spec calls it Note. All three terms are in #Betula codebase 😣. I guess I'll have to get rid of the Post one.

bouncepaw 🍄

oh wait, the word Link is used as well...

bouncepaw 🍄

A post from #Betula arrived to Mastodon for the first time. That's #Mycoverse boiling.

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