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535 posts total
bouncepaw πŸ„

So, my #embroidery project about The Sentinel video game is finally completed!
If you wanna know more about it and discover the 14 artworks, follow the link:

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Arcadely IRL

@moonovermarine hey this is one of the coolest things ive ever seen.

_jayrope :hubzilla:
@Marine Beaufils πŸͺ‘ Impressive, really. Almost could be future folklore textiles, given today's technoid background. Well done!

@moonovermarine what an incredible culmination of beautiful work. it's always a joy to see your posts.

bouncepaw πŸ„

Played Go for the first time today. What a wonderful game!

bouncepaw πŸ„

Muad'Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It's shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad'Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson.

bouncepaw πŸ„

The Māori King and other Indigenous leaders have signed a treaty recognizing whales as legal persons.The document is rooted in the Māori worldview, in which whales are regarded as ancestors.

[from A Descendant’s Call For Whale Legal Personhood by Mere Tokoko, via Atmos, 2024]


@ccohanlon Let us hope that this is another impediment to Japan's callous, murder of whales in southern oceans for "scientific" reasons. (Yes, the "science" does seem to be geared toward culinary purposes at upscale Tokyo restaurants).

bouncepaw πŸ„

Read this #Warhammer novel β€œFor the Emperor!”. Easy to read, fun, entertaining. Will read more.

Tried to read The Pillow Book. Boring!

Got a wonderful book of haiku by Matsuo Basho. It's wonderful! Will read.


bouncepaw πŸ„

I added some basic #activitypub support to humungus based on the #forgefed vocabulary. Repository, Commit, etc. And of course updated #honk as well. So now you can follow the honk repo from within honk itself and see all the commits fly by. Still a work in progress, but it’s live now. Probably do a longer write up next week.

bouncepaw πŸ„

I showed this as part of my Red Star OS talk the other night. It's a map of the North Korean Intranet, and as it shows, websites in North Korea are accessed via IPv4 addresses and not by DNS. Guess you can't blame DNS if a site goes down!

Normally you can't access any of these sites unless you're within the Intranet, of course, but a few diligent hackers have broken in before and archived a handful of sites!

#RedStarOS #Linux

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@LambdaCalculus Diligent and brave!

Not to magnify their prowess, but North Korea is not the kind of adversarial bees nest I would want to poke personally :)


@LambdaCalculus Pardon if this question is off piste given the nature of the conference, but will your talk ever be available on video anywhere?


@LambdaCalculus absolutely silly they wouldn't use dns. Just don't put in the real root servers for the isp. Easy enough for a small country to enforce, plus being segmented off to whatever degree.

bouncepaw πŸ„

I bet your city doesn't have a Ramadan Bus.


@bouncepaw we have Ramadan police, but they don't have buses. They have vans for transporting the "wrongdoers' to jail.

Shufei ☁️

@bouncepaw I haven’t a city, so you’d be 100% assured right.

bouncepaw πŸ„

This concept of normalizing people being offline. Not being in touch. I don't think I like it. Please be in touch.

bouncepaw πŸ„

The recent influx of new Mycoverse adepts and Bouncepaw subscribers seems to have settled. I guess the reason was the recent Lobsters posts.

Gabriel Garrido

@bouncepaw Noted Mycorrhiza on Lobsters and saw it in the wild in one site I visited the other day. Looks neat! Will try it if I want to setup a wiki.

Have you written about it somewhere?

bouncepaw πŸ„

Ironing and frying are the things I keep failing to do properly.

Andy Alderwick

@bouncepaw I'm doing well at the ironing these days, I find I need less and less oil to get the creases out~

bouncepaw πŸ„

It took me a month and a half to reply to this one email. I usually reply faster, please do send mail!

bouncepaw πŸ„

TFW your coworker sends pull requests to your free software project. Or rather your contributor becomes a coworker...

bouncepaw πŸ„

In English Y is not called neither Yay nor Ygrec. For some reason, it's Why. Why?

James Chip

@bouncepaw I believe the cause of this is called the great vowel shift.

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