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The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus

I showed this as part of my Red Star OS talk the other night. It's a map of the North Korean Intranet, and as it shows, websites in North Korea are accessed via IPv4 addresses and not by DNS. Guess you can't blame DNS if a site goes down!

Normally you can't access any of these sites unless you're within the Intranet, of course, but a few diligent hackers have broken in before and archived a handful of sites!

#RedStarOS #Linux


@LambdaCalculus Diligent and brave!

Not to magnify their prowess, but North Korea is not the kind of adversarial bees nest I would want to poke personally :)

The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus

@feoh As part of the demo, one of the attendees was doing a packet capture for me using Wireshark so we could look through it and see what was going on networking wise, and it's definitely trying (and failing) to ping home. So taken out of the bee's nest, it can't do any kind of potential alerting of anyone, it seems.


@LambdaCalculus Pardon if this question is off piste given the nature of the conference, but will your talk ever be available on video anywhere?

The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus

@feoh It's been recorded; I just have to edit it and I haven't had a chance to sit and do that yet. I hope to get that done *hopefully* this weekend.


@LambdaCalculus absolutely silly they wouldn't use dns. Just don't put in the real root servers for the isp. Easy enough for a small country to enforce, plus being segmented off to whatever degree.

The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus

@Netux They probably only use it partially, and probably only for the very rare few outward facing sites (they do have a TLD and all).

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