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bouncepaw 🍄

I try not to think about the climate situation too much. It's clear I will live in a burning world. Just gotta provide myself the luxury of living in a place that won't be so affected by this and is modern enough for my wants and needs (you know, internet, medicine, food abundance). Inaction is my choice. I kinda accepted it. Hottest year of them all? Yes, of course! Wait until you see the next one.

Insomnia thoughts. Won't have enough sleep before the electricity consuming work tomorrow.


@bouncepaw 2010: "Every thirty seconds, one person's lifetime of recycling plastic is effectively negated by what's poured out of Deepwater Horizon" [edit: based on a decade-old half-remembered newsbite and flamboyant misapplication of unit conversion math]


2024: "Plastics recycling has always been basically a lie"


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