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28 posts total
🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

i know i may have posted my spotify wrapped for shits and giggles

but let it be known i pirate spotify and don't support giving them money

here's how you can too!

if you're on android you can use xmanager to install an ad-free premium-feature-enabled cracked version of the spotify client (no root required)

and on desktop you can use spicetify to get rid of ads in the spotify desktop client

#SpotifyWrapped #spotify

i know i may have posted my spotify wrapped for shits and giggles

but let it be known i pirate spotify and don't support giving them money

here's how you can too!

if you're on android you can use xmanager to install an ad-free premium-feature-enabled cracked version of the spotify client (no root required)

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@vantablack browser version with adblocker works fine on desktop, too :)


@vantablack Thank you SO much for this!!! :blob_cat_heart:

Dan Goodin


I know Spotify's royalty payments are shamefully meager, but publicly sharing a way for those royalties to fall to 0% isn't the answer. Why not get Tidal Premium Plus so musicians get the compensation they deserve?

cc: @jalcine

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

okay here's a rundown of the fediverse

🖤 there's no ads, everything is mostly run by volunteers because they believe in it

🖤 timelines are chronological, there's no algorithm deciding what you see. to see more, follow peeps and hashtags (and post in em, too!)

🖤 this place is SOCIAL social media, as opposed to the corporate social media you're probably used to. most are here to interact, not build clout

welcome to fedi!!! happy to have ya 😁

#TwitterExodus #TwitterMigration #Twitter #FediTips

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@vantablack Is this how I be social? I've been a social media lurker for way too long.

delvina ✨

@vantablack You say timelines are chronological, and YET I keep boosting my old posts. Explain that, huh.

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

those #NDA meetings with #meta start in an hour and a half

who's the brave rogue admin willing to leak the whole shebang via livetooting with your phone under the desk? i believe in you!!!!!!!


🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤


the website for The Pact has racked up 249,566 views in only three days!!!!!!!!!!!!

by contrast, my personal website has 361,279 total views -- but over the course of six years lol

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤



jesus christ








saw my awesome CSS skills lmao


🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

ask YOUR instance admin

about signing THE ANTI-META FEDI PACT today!!!!!

don't let Big Social steamroll over this wonderful community!!!

with meta's plans to join the fediverse looming on the horizon, we have a chance to defend ourselves from the oncoming onslaught -- but we must be preemptive!!!!!!!!!!

#FediPact #meta #facebook #barcelona #project92 #mastodon #fediverse #FediBlockMeta #FediAdmin #p92 #MastoAdmin

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zeitverschreib [mastodon]

@vantablack As the admin of several single-user instances, I would be very happy to be able to follow old friends on Instagram. But that's a decision that would affect just myself.


@vantablack And how exactly this preemptive blocking is supposed to help? In my opinion it is likely to have the opposite effect.

Suppose Meta launches something which won't be a failure right from the start. Some people come (and with marketing effort there could be quite a lot including some interesting personalities) and they will be isolated from substantial chunk of Fedi. It won't be good for either and the "free part" will likely be marginalized like it happened with the darknet.

I'd rather let Meta do the blocking, I am sure there won't be any shortage of that.

@vantablack And how exactly this preemptive blocking is supposed to help? In my opinion it is likely to have the opposite effect.

Suppose Meta launches something which won't be a failure right from the start. Some people come (and with marketing effort there could be quite a lot including some interesting personalities) and they will be isolated from substantial chunk of Fedi. It won't be good for either and the "free part" will likely be marginalized like it happened with the darknet.

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

there are rumblings that certain big fedi admins had meetings with meta under NDA?


it looks like the post i keep seeing replies to has been deleted but the breadcrumb trail is there 👀

gargron and dansup what are you hiding 👁️

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_jayrope :hubzilla:
@vanta: awesome mode edition!!! Yes, i am reading this all over, some people outing themselves as taking part in those meetings,
-> all only Mastodon though. So not the Fediverse.

While i personally think, that I'd do anyhing to keep Meta, Tumblr, Discourse etc. out of AP federation, simply because it gives them access to user data not on their platforms, and which they are going to collect and sel ...
it is still industry standard anywhere to hold those meetings.

Happy i am using #Hubzilla. None of us was invited anyways.
@vanta: awesome mode edition!!! Yes, i am reading this all over, some people outing themselves as taking part in those meetings,
-> all only Mastodon though. So not the Fediverse.

Dr. B Learned Hand

Hey @stevetex
Can you and @mozilla
Step into the breach with a different take? Save the day?
@Gargron please talk to Mozilla.

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

wanna never see another ad again?

i can guarantee you never realize just how fucking annoying they are

until you're not forced to sit through them before every goddamn youtube video

or have them plague every webpage you visit

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

i've been seeing a lot of discourse on the timeline about light modes vs. dark modes

and i just wanted to say

every single take i've seen so far has been wrong

i've prepared a short demo of what i feel is the optimal viewing experience for any website

a compromise, of sorts, between two extremes

something i like to call... GRAY MODE

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

i refuse to believe newsie jeff gained 21k followers within like the first week of setting up lmao

there must be some treachery afoot


@vantablack I know this thread is a bit old, but how could you miss this glowing review of HoneyTree, his hosting company, from his social instance? 😏

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

what era did you first join fedi during

Anonymous poll


680 people voted.
Voting ended 9 Apr 2023 at 20:08.
🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

yes i'm aware the fediverse technically existed before 2016

but existing and being habitable are two entirely different things lmao

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