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🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

i know i may have posted my spotify wrapped for shits and giggles

but let it be known i pirate spotify and don't support giving them money

here's how you can too!

if you're on android you can use xmanager to install an ad-free premium-feature-enabled cracked version of the spotify client (no root required)

and on desktop you can use spicetify to get rid of ads in the spotify desktop client

#SpotifyWrapped #spotify


@vantablack I hope you are supporting musicians in other ways, tho.

elilla&, travesti madam

@Sibshops @vantablack you mean "supporting musicians at all" (since paying for Spotify doesn't support any musicians and in fact undermines them.)


@elilla @vantablack Spotify gives musicians 70% of the revune. It's better than nothing that the websites above give them, at least.

Sven Slootweg

@Sibshops @elilla @vantablack Spotify takes 30% of the revenue, they don't "give" people anything

And even the remaining revenue distributed to artists is distributed extremely unfairly, which is a big part of the problem, it absolutely isn't a clear 30%/70% cut


@vantablack browser version with adblocker works fine on desktop, too :)


@vantablack Thank you SO much for this!!! :blob_cat_heart:

Dan Goodin


I know Spotify's royalty payments are shamefully meager, but publicly sharing a way for those royalties to fall to 0% isn't the answer. Why not get Tidal Premium Plus so musicians get the compensation they deserve?

cc: @jalcine

🖤 lined lips & spiked bats 🖤

@dangoodin @jalcine you're joking right? tidal premium plus is $20 a month. i'm poor lmao

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@vantablack @dangoodin @jalcine

When I was Vanta's age we were breaking into roofspaces of buildings and putting up pirate radio transmitters to get our music out to the people (with the full support of the artists, many who were themselves involved with this) - it was fun but of course had various risks - nicking a bit of computer software and maybe the artists losing out on 70% of 0,00001€ is small potatoes in comparison 😁

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