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327 posts total
Ilya Zverev

One more thing about how Overture Maps could help @openstreetmap , elaborating on my last answer about managers:

(First post is, both are in Russian, but you know how to translate.)

(Sorry if I come out as a bit harsh in some phrasing, Russian language is different)


bdon πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

@zverik @openstreetmap IMHO everyone is (faultlessly) invested in the OSM status quo - Does Overture ask anything of OSM beyond β€œkeep doing what you're doing"? Assuming there is a potential Executive Director with the background, what would motivate them to work inside OSMF instead of an NGO or commercial downstream?

Thibault MollemanπŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺ 🌈🐝

Have you considered putting all of this in English, in an osm diary entry? Will be easier to share


Ilya Zverev

Came back from #sotmeu and I see people are still posting 30 days of maps stuff! Is it even November still?!


@zverik depends on which calendar you are calibrated to

Ilya Zverev

Overture is an amazing complementary project for OpenStreetMap, these two can proliferate together. But. They clash because they don't talk to each other, either can't or won't or don't know they have to. And from that the very strange moment for OSM is formed. I feel it in the air here at #sotmeu, but nobody verbalises it. I tried in my telegram channel:


@zverik Partly true. In my (questionable) opinion, there's a fundamental difference in the motivations of Overture and OSM. Overture is a commercial interest group while OSM is a public interest collective. One is driven by profit motives and enablement of "industries" and the other is not explicitly aimed towards such an outcome (or at least doesn't seem to be).

It's not that they won't talk to each other. It's just that there's nothing to talk. There is no overlap in intentions.

Andy Allan

@zverik I have strong views on Overture and OSM, based on my previous experiences with other companies trying similar things.

But since most of my conversations at sotmeu were around openstreetmap-website development, and overture-related presentations Q&A isn't the best place to discuss a complex and nuanced topic, I'll need to save my thoughts for some other venue!

Ilya Zverev

I don't have Mastodon on my phone β€” thankfully β€” but I do post some photos and thoughts to my Telegram channel: It's in Russian, but I believe Telegram has a translation button.

Also, a reminder that #sotmeu has a live streaming ticket for just ten euro:

Ilya Zverev

I had a free hour and made a parser: now you can have #sotmeu schedule on your phone! Plan which talks to attend, know what's happening around at the moment!

There are some QR codes: for Giggity app on Android and for the Calendar on iPhones. For Giggity, you might need to paste this url if the QR scanner does not work:

It updates once an hour, so any changes will find their way to your phone.

Ilya Zverev

Join the chat on #sotmeu!

11 people there right now, should be a hundred!

(And also follow and use the #sotmeu hashtag here)

Ilya Zverev

56 people now! Great success! Now for fifty more :)

Ilya Zverev

Huh, Kevin Bullock was laid off from Maxar. First the imagery is gone, now their best employee too. I wonder if they are shutting down.

Ilya Zverev

Why of course I spent an hour and a half walking around the hostel and updating the map. #sotmeu

Ilya Zverev

Rain non-stop in Antwerp. Bring an umbrella. #sotmeu

Simon Poole

@zverik expected (why do you think I'm not turning up before Friday afternoon) and typically umbrellas don't help as (because location) it is always going to be at least a bit windy. When I lived nearby (aka AMS) we simply resigned to being wet.

Ilya Zverev

Failed to get @NGIZero grant for @everydoor development next year :( Looking for other options...

Look for the lightning talk at @sotmeu to learn what's planned! Super useful stuff, both for volunteer mappers and for orgs like @hotosm. I even used today one of these for mapping, that I've enabled on my phone just for the demo.

Ilya Zverev

My talk is on Sunday (first thing in the morning after the Saturday's social event: if you miss it I'll haunt you), and I don't have a single slide. Was sitting all day with a block, and then went outside. Walking through the woods, I suddenly narrated the entire talk, start to finish, loud and clear. And it was fun!

So now, to slides, and rehearse it ten more times.

The lightning talk on @everydoor future is already prepared: no slides, just some cool ideas and a demo.

See you at @sotmeu :)

Rihards Olups

@zverik @everydoor @sotmeu
I have a major problem with an approach like that.
If I do it, I have excellent ideas - but I forget some of them by the time I get to writing them down.
And I recall them after the talk is over :/

Ilya Zverev

So I'm trying to make Google Maps support staff add a few missing addresses to the map of Moscow, Russia.

Just now they wrote me: unfortunately we cannot use interactive maps for sources.

Both the official cadastre map and the official address registry are interactive maps.

They won't budge.

Screenshots won't do.

Moscow addresses on Google Maps remain patchy and obsolete.

Thank god today is my last day on this job.

Ilya Zverev

So with everybody suddenly mentioning @protomaps, I've finally made my first vector tiles map (for my job):



1. Edit in Every Door
2. extract the area using

24-hour turnaround for running your own updated vector tiles with no databases or servers is pretty good, right?

Ilya Zverev

Usually people map in OSM a few years, and then their activity falls to near-zero. I had three peaks: joining OSM, working for Maps.Me, publishing @everydoor. I wonder what the next peak in 3-4 years would be.

Ilya Zverev

Few words on that 150k gift from Microsoft. Thank you Microsoft, and thank you all conference organizers! I live from conference to conference here, and without you, OSM wouldn't have anything to look forward to.

Ilya Zverev

Uber tells me I've cleared the bar and they want me in Amsterdam. Would've been amazing news if I wanted to move and work at my 4th ride-hailing corp :(

Ilya Zverev

I'm finally open to helping you with geospatial projects! In three weeks, right after @sotmeu, my job is over, and I'm looking for a new one. Full-time or a project, doesn't matter. I love geospatial R&D, UX, open licenses; know my way around PostGIS, Python, and Flutter, and learned a lot more from my 30 years of programming and writing.

Look here for more:

Come chat in Antwerp, or write me now :)

Ilya Zverev

Phew. So you know how I absolutely love presenting at conferences? I've finally got to making a huge list of all my appearances. Definitely missed some, but still, 91 talks! More than I expected.

Of course I'm open to public speaking invitations :)

Rihards Olups

@zverik The point when you get to needing a separate repo to track it, hehe :)

Ilya Zverev

A long write-up on tagging forest paths and how highway=path tag differs from highway=footway.

(now to close thirty tabs and breathe out)

Ilya Zverev

I've finally set up some sponsor accounts!


Planning to do a Patreon as well, would be nice to write occasionally about things I do.

I don't believe in donations since I see the same people giving and receiving them, essentially zeroing out in total. But if it would cover my donations and servers, that would be awesome, one less thing to worry about.

Thanks to @redauburn for becoming the first sponsor, before I knew it's open!

I've finally set up some sponsor accounts!


Planning to do a Patreon as well, would be nice to write occasionally about things I do.

I don't believe in donations since I see the same people giving and receiving them, essentially zeroing out in total. But if it would cover my donations and servers, that would be awesome, one less thing to worry about.


@zverik you're welcome πŸ˜† thank you for all the work you do!

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