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Ilya Zverev

I want and should support mappers — by listening to them more, by hosting awards, by organizing events. But I don't.

I should grow and connect local OSM groups, estonian and russian, but I left that to others who don't do a good job at that.

I should take my finances and business relations under control, but just don't have the willpower atm.

After all, I could re-join all the working groups and help, but instead I whine from the sidelines.

I don't think it helps anyone.

Ed Freyfogle

@zverik Ilya, you are far, far too harsh on yourself here.

No one needs to (or can) do everything all at once. Take a break man. It is ok to do nothing for a while. Or just pick one thing.

Whatever you choose, definitely don't neglect important personal life things.

Don't worry, OSM will still be right here when you get back. No matter when that is there will still be plenty of mapping to do and tools to build.

BTW your tools help me often, almost daily.

Ed Freyfogle

@zverik Hi, one follow up to this.

On the @opencage blog we just published an article from the 13 year old son of a friend who did his first ever mapping party last weekend in Bangalore, India.

He used ... Every Door

Ilya Zverev

@freyfogle @opencage

Thanks Ed, excellent post by Tushar!

A bit related, yesterday had a call with an OSM group in Rwanda, and they are tasked with mapping a mountain of buildings and POI. Faced with that, they understood their current tools (like ODK) are too slow, and looking into ED for efficient fast mapping :)

Pretty sure ED would be the ultimate humanitarian mapping app, but first needs a few more features for that.

Ilya Zverev

@freyfogle Thank you Ed, your support matters! Yeah I know that what I feel is not what really is, and I doubt I should've posted this publicly :)

Personal life and the family are always number one priority, it's #2 and #3 I'm confused about.

David Haberthür

@zverik don’t be so hard to yourself. As you’ve shown in the thread/list about stuff you do/did for OSM you can and should be proud of you.

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

@zverik you're being much too hard on yourself. I'm always impressed by your tools, and use them often. I aspire to have as many useful tools under my belt as you someday. 🙂

It's easy to think you haven't done enough. I know that feeling. But within osm there's a million things that can be done. 🙂 Look at what you have done, not the million things that haven't been done.

Ilya Zverev

@amapanda thank you Amanda, and here I am admiring your work on the Board, on the rivers website, on the community including this very Mastodon! You're amazing and I'm trying not to fall too far behind :)

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