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I'm a "full stack developer", in that my stack is full and if you try to push any more tasks on me I'm gonna overflow it and start corrupting my own memory

green-threaded gay

@foone a full stock developer? is that when there are lots of you ready to go or when you're a herby spicy salty background liquid to add depth?


@dysfun @foone I presume when foone overflows, it's with soup?

SkaveRat 🐀 :verified:

@foone I'm a full of stock developer. I just ate soup


@foone good for you I guess ? idk maybe if you didn't spend that much time fucking typos you wouldn't have a full stack but you do yoi

Rue Mohr

@foone ha, I thought you said "Funding typos"

Paddy O'Brien

@foone spent way to long looking for the typo

Pxl Phile

@foone did you mean 'tops'?

The top behind you: *grabs blunt weapon*

Take Me To The Reg Lion

@foone a full stock developer is one who has just gorged themselves on delicious chicken soup

Amber I’ve always wanted to make someone overflow ​:neocat_woozy:​

Roy Brander


Thanks for me suddenly realizing why my memory has been so spotty since Age 25.

Paul Evans

@foone PIC microcontrollers use a ring buffer as a stack. Very easy to do that there

Jeff ♨️ Darcy

@foone Seems like "full stack developer" and "Stack Overflow developer" aren't that far apart.


@foone Ring buffer stack it just deletes old tasks never to be seen again


@foone "full stack developer"

Honey, new Pancake Chef title dropped!!!


@foone That's why I prefer empty queues.

gabbo wafrn guy

@foone thats why I use a memory safe program: javascript

Rob Carlson

@foone Mine's a LIFO stack and unfortunately you made your feature request back in February, so it might be a while


@foone Me with a tiny stack that overflows if I so much as try any task beyond my comfort zone

Chris Turnbow


If you overpush to my stack, I'm liable to pop, for sure...

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