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Cat Hicks

I've spent the week reading like 50+ papers on learning to remember what I know about how people learn and this is what I know:

-people are bad at deciding what to learn
-people are bad at studying. We choose the worst ways to study and we hate the most efficient ways
-people give up on learning so much. Like more than anyone believes
-people aren't clear about what their goals really are for learning and if you try to get people to set goals they don't want to
-teachers truly work miracles

Cat Hicks

Honestly we are SO BAD at studying.

Cat Hicks

oh and also this is basically a point about relying on generative AI these days. It's literally named the Generation Effect in learning!!

"Basically, any time that you, as a learner, look up an answer or have somebody tell or show you something that you could, drawing on current cues and your past knowledge, generate instead, you rob yourself of a powerful learning opportunity. Retrieval, in effect, is a powerful “memory modifier” (Bjork, 1975)."

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