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327 posts total
Ilya Zverev

A new version of OpenStreetMap Tags Editor, 1.2, went live today. It's a plugin for Firefox and Chrome to edit tags right from the website.

Ilya Zverev

We have pages for movies and TV series on the OSM wiki, but what about games? I was very surprised to see the @openstreetmap website in "Life is Strange" (chapter 4).

I wonder where exactly is that place...

Ilya Zverev

Zoom on Linux installs into 652 megabytes.


Over half a gigabyte.


Yes, that video calls app.

Francesco P Lovergine

If you had a look into it, you would find that almost the whole thing is a combination of the Chrome embedded cef library, the Qt runtime, and the zoom binary itsself. I could consider that the well-known Flexnet license manager takes about 12GBs of virtual memory during its operations. Yes, a silly license manager, that one.

Ilya Zverev

Finally got to submitting my talk proposal to @foss4geurope . Pretty sure it'd be a fun one, and in a way answering some questions local Maa-amet had.

Go submit yours before the week ends!

Ilya Zverev

I wonder if tech bros still recommend laid off and underpaid people to "just learn to code".

After January tech layoffs that amount to half of the 2023 total. When companies hire mids to junior positions because of all the lay-offs, making it impossible for new people to get in.

(the latter point is from )

Ilya Zverev

Regarding the popular @openstreetmap iceberg, when I was working on public transport in Maps.Me (after successfully getting all the subways on OSM in a consistent format), I planned to float the "bus route relations" at least to the middle of the iceberg. It's all set up, but I lack strength for the final push:

Ilya Zverev

Folks I lost the link to the map of geospatial events, like conferences and meetups. FOSS4G, FOSSGIS, INTERGEO etc etc. Did anyone save it please? #gischat

Ilya Zverev

"Life is Strange" hits. I didn't expect it to do that so well. Not a single obvious answer to its choices. So many people you get to care about.

Ilya Zverev

Maps.Me was amazing in more ways than one, and nothing beats the best unexpected decision they made. The one that gave the app immortality in the same sense that OSM has. The one that made @organicmaps possible.

Ilya Zverev

@organicmaps The post was insipred by the latest linkdump from @pluralistic and the excellent longpost by @Catvalente filled with dragon rage and love. You've probably read it, or gonna read it right now:

Ilya Zverev

Something for the weekend: my talk at @sotmeu about points of interests in @openstreetmap , meaning shops and amenities. I outline the current state of mapping and importing, and give some suggestions on how can we get the next million POI. Very proud of the talk, and the first half feels like a proper stand-up.

Now with English subtitles: you can turn on automatic translation into your language!

Ilya Zverev

Random fact about my SotM EU talk (preparing subtitles rn): I used "like" 140 times in it, which makes 5 likes per minute.

(Thanks to Paul for the transcript.)

Ilya Zverev

Finally finished the library to compress GTFS feeds to 8-10% of the original, and additionally generating deltas that are under 100 kb for a week.

Can't wait to employ it in my next public transport app, so that we could have offline but up-to-date transit schedules for any city and country in the world!


@zverik Interested by "my next public transport app".

(Not so much by gtfs-proto since I'm not targeting offline routing)

Ilya Zverev

Feels so weird having over 60KB of code, refactored over and over, but nothing to boast about for at least a couple weeks still. I'm used to making smaller projects with faster gains.

But now I know why nobody implemented this "quick and simple idea".

Ilya Zverev

On one hand, yes, this year it would make sense to redirect your wikipedia donation to OpenStreetMap:

But. 19 years in, it feels crazy to have this project everyone uses run on a budget of three facebook developers. Like, are we sure this is the way we want to have it? "At least we're not wikipedia?" rebuttal still stands?

Simon Poole

@zverik 1.5 facebook developers, not three.

But the thing is, even getting the funds equivalent to those 1.5 devs has been an uphill fight. So it isn't really a question of "the way we want it" more one of what is realistic.

Comparing with Wikipedia is fair game when we are discussing efficient usage of funds, but not when we are talking about market position and the leverage it provides.

Ilya Zverev

I usually skim James' newsletters — he's very full of himself and could benefit from cutting his texts at least in half. But this list of things to add to general audience maps is pretty good: (at least half of it).


@zverik seems to be all about search and routing, applications not maps. Also no mention of which I think pretty much meets his cycling desiderata.

Ilya Zverev

Not a week goes by without me remembering this tweet.


@zverik died 2016, for anyone else wondering

Ilya Zverev

As I wrote during the conference, Steve has too many stories inside him. Here's one of those: how in 2012 he asked people to compare maps visually, and came to a conclusion that OSM was already okay. But another thing mattered as much.

(h/t @courtney )

Ilya Zverev

I have translated my telegram posts on Overture Maps from #sotmeu, as @thibaultmol suggested. And added some OSMF-related thoughts from Mastodon. Already regretting this.

Ilya Zverev

While riding on a bus, I remembered we have an ongoing vandalism in Russia and Israel on the map. Folks fighting it are heroes, and it's great seeing our infrastructure harden. That what wars do, after all.

But, mapping-wise.

(Sorry for the rant)

I spoke about our inability to deal with large scale imports in 2017 ("How to break OSM"). You though it was a joke?

I proposed improvements to API and data model in 2019 to mitigate that. Starting with "area datatype? are you even serious".

Ilya Zverev

Mapping in OSM is and should be strictly volunteer-based. As I wrote to @bdon , OSM is competing with corporations for resources — making it a competition for an outlook on OSM data.

And OSM have consistently been losing the best developers to Mapbox, Grab, Meta, or private endeavours. I have been a sub-par employee at some of my jobs because I wanted to improve OSM as well, and I should not have.

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