@zverik @openstreetmap To be fair the vocal OpenStreetMap community feels negative about pretty much anything 😛
The Rapid editor and folks around it seem to benefit from AI assisted mapping, so I wouldn't say it's binary good / bad; it's more complex and nuanced as most of the time.
I also can't see much of an overlap between the current LLM hype and the previous efforts in geo to build machine learning tools and workflows.
Disclaimer: I have built such workflows before.
I agree with the negative feels, too much of that in OSM :)
I'd say Meta benefits from Rapid because it enables bulk-importing of ML and third-party data onto OSM under a guise of manual verification. And corporations need our map to be perfect pronto, no time to wait for mappers.
The thing with OSM, when you have spent 15 years mapping the world by hand, and then somebody offers to double the data, you can't but notice how bad the ML is compared to skill and knowledge of mappers.