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Dror Bogin

TL;DR: I am looking for work as a GIS Developer.

I will be free as of June and am looking to do work that would preferably be using open source GIS tools.

My main focus of late was doing frontend, mostly using React and the ArcGIS JS API but I'm also handy with:

* MapLibre\MapBox\Lealet
* QGIS - use and instruction
* Python - Automation, Flask, PyqGIS
* GeoServer + the REST API
* SQL - mainly PostGIS and SQL Server

my email -
linkedin -

Dror Bogin

אני מחפש עבודה כמפתח GIS.
זמין החל מיוני ועם העדפה לעבודה בכלי קוד פתוח, אבל כמו שאפשר לראות בפוסט למעלה, מכיר גם כלים אחרים.

בפוסט למעלה קישורים למייל וללינקדאין.

Dror Bogin

I'm pretty sure we'll talk on Tuesday.


@bogind I'm pretty sure I already passed along your LinkedIn profile to our software team lead :)

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