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Akshat Rathi

2020: Microsoft sets goal to be carbon negative by end of the decade.

2023: Microsoft's emissions are 30% higher than in 2020.

Main cause? The relentless push to meet AI demand, which requires new data centers built out of carbon-intensive steel, cement, chips.

Kevin Leecaster

More than 96% of Microsoft's emissions are Scope 3 though which is better than most corporations.

Microsoft contracted 1,443,981 metric tons of carbon removal in FY22. They also made first-of-their kind multi-year forward offtake commitments to carbon removal, which could serve as a model for scaling the nascent carbon capture industry.


@GreenFire @akshatrathi And then there's this:

I didn't have "software megacorproation gets into the nuclear fusion game" on my bingo card, but I guess that's what's up.


@akshatrathi We are currently solving the climate collapse by accelerating it.

Alberto C. Blanco

@tsenov @akshatrathi Hi Ivan, I guess those 2024 results will be written… scratch that… generated by #AI :blobfoxfacepalm:

Ку 🇧🇬:ms_bear:

but President Brad Smith says the good AI can do for the world will outweigh its environmental impact.

a goat‽

@akshatrathi and I just recently learned that carbon emissions being a "goal" have caused massive issues with water usage, because "being carbon neutral" is not necessarily the same as "being environmentally friendly."

Lucy B

@nus @akshatrathi
The massive water consumption for cooling is the essential piece being ignored by many.

Peter Kotrčka :emacs:

@akshatrathi it's always like that..

"We plan to do XYZ"... but how many times you actually hear "We did that or even exceeded our promise".

Niall in Raglan :laserkiwi:

@peterkotrcka @akshatrathi watch the John Oliver on cocoa farming for prime examples of this :(

Niall in Raglan :laserkiwi:

@akshatrathi that predicted line, straight down to zero. They must have spent thousands to model the process in such a complex way. Or maybe it was just PR bullsh*t...


@akshatrathi how do we get out of debt and build economy, boil the planet

Bill the Lizard

2028: Microsoft asks the AI how to reduce emissions.

Logick\n λ 🦅

@lizardbill @akshatrathi

Certainly! The AI will use a trick calls the integer overflow. When the carbon emission is too high that an integer can handles, it will rollback to the negative side of the integer because computer use 2's complement. Once the statistic has become negative, they have "achieved" reduction of carbon emission.

Pēteris Krišjānis

@akshatrathi there is no AI demand. That is artificial one to push products which will fail, hard.

64 Islands Airship Co-op

@peteriskrisjanis @akshatrathi but not before permanently tripling the energy use of computing


@akshatrathi AI is gonna kill humanity, but not in the way we thought. #SlowBoiledFrog


@akshatrathi the title on the link preview seems appropriate


Sorry, fresh out of surprised-faces ...


@akshatrathi So progressive their carbon budgets are in 2027 already

P J Evans

@dascandy @akshatrathi
That was the plan...then they "discovered" whatever-the-fuck they're claiming is AI.



We should never take big tech's "greenwashing" seriously. Ever.


@akshatrathi most companies have revenue/gross margin/competition targets which take priority over vanity goals they tell the market as part of marketing.


The goal must be, using the internet instead driving.

Animal existence emitted carbon dioxide.

Alastair Cooper I'm kind of hoping the scenario laid out here turns out to be true, that the improvments in LLM capabilities with more training are about to level off:

If that happens then I think for companies to make more money off it they'll have to figure out how to make it more efficient and less expensive rather than just expanding and expanding.

Knud Jahnke


Shhh, don't confront corporate greenwashing with reality!


@randomvangloboii @akshatrathi If they were serious they would extend Windows 10 support, or port Windows 11 to older machines. Preferably the former, because Windows 10 is better than 11.

Causing the unnecessary replacement of working equipment is the most un-green thing the tech industry does, and they need to be beaten over the head with that fact. Where are the climate protesters outside Microsoft and Google offices?

Random Van Globoii

@mike805 @akshatrathi If they had to chase every single company that paints their packages with some green, they'd have no time at all

Eckes :mastodon:

@akshatrathi main cause is stupid bing chatbotting away as soon as you scroll around

Scotty Trees

@akshatrathi sooooo we've learned nothing as a species


@akshatrathi companies that are demanding the AI are not accounting for this in their net zero calculations.

Katie F

@akshatrathi Microsoft (and Zoom etc) are companies in one of the few industries that is probably better off with a 2020 vs 2019 baseline for carbon reductions.

A lot of heavy industry and petchem majors are using 2019 as their benchmark year so they don't have to explain an immediate jump up (back to mean) from 2020 for their operations.

Chase Martin :calculator:

@akshatrathi @burgerdrome it just makes me so sad to think we might be risking the only world we have to power up quite possibly the dumbest series of tech products ever

Janet Vertesi

@akshatrathi ooh wait lemme guess, we are not supposed to pay attention to the rapacious use of limited resources to fuel AI *now*—the materials sunk into the ocean for “cooling” that are bleaching corals and melting ice caps so that grade schoolers can cheat on their homework— we are supposed to think about how all this sets us up for more efficient solutions in the *future* when the technology inevitably improves, amirite?

The real #aiethics , make no mistake.

brenna 🇧🇲🇺🇸


“Demand for electricity is spiking across the Pacific Northwest and its potential to outpace our supply in the years ahead is growing, according to a new energy forecast, detailing the tricky path ahead for utilities across the region.”

brenna 🇧🇲🇺🇸


“My resignation was driven in part by the realization that the tech industry, including Microsoft, is increasing the profitability and competitiveness of these fossil fuel giants and perpetuating their existence when they should be phased out…It became apparent after years… that Microsoft was unwilling to enact meaningful change.”


@akshatrathi And instead of actually integrating AI in any ways that people will care to use, they simply add a built-in Windows app that can't even properly use system functions, (Copilot) search summaries that take up too much space and only appear when you *don't* want them, and weakly integrate it into Office apps with barely any useful functionality, but a whole lot more server calls.

Guys, just make chatbot interfaces. If I have a question, I'll ask. No annoying popups or bad features.


@akshatrathi "Use less power, help the Earth" says a big icon on my Xbox dashboard.

Kevin Russell


Then you dont find a shortcut, _you_ build solar and wind installations. Build the sun and wind microsoft, dont go buy some credit, BUILD THE POWER. BE ADULT. BE RESPONSIBLE. SEE THE WORLD.

Michał Górny

@akshatrathi, but they need that AI money to buy carbon offsets!

P J Evans

And that demand isn't driven by users, but by other companies that see it as a marketing boost.

Xavier Lowmiller

@akshatrathi what AI “demand”? I didn’t demand any of this, leave me alone with your 8 copilots -.-

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