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Stefan Baumgartner

What a week in AI!

- Microsoft releases its biggest invasion of your privacy in decades!
- Sam Altman violates Scarlett Johansson to get her likeness for his digital parrot!
- Google UX legend Scott Jenson declares idea bankruptcy at Google and panic driven AI development because they want to lock you in faster than their competitors!

This shit is going great!

Stefan Baumgartner

@schmidt_fu @elan There's definitely some similarity but the fact that BigTech is so eager to participate in this race to the bottom is beyond me.

C.Suthorn :prn:


Und geschätzt 99% der (deutschen|europäischen|welt)bevölkerung bekommen es nicht mit. Außer vielleicht, dass Scarlett Johanssen jetzt doch nicht die stimne von openai wird.

(Wie ich höre, nimmt Taylor Swift alle ihre Aussagen auf chatGPT neu auf, um selbst damit geld zu verdienen.)

Stefan Baumgartner

@Life_is Also ich hab davon bei den Öffentlich-Rechtlichen zuerst gehört :-)

C.Suthorn :prn:


Mal abgesehen davon, dass große teile der bevölkerung sich bei social media (und nur dort) und nicht bei den ÖR oder anderen "linearen" medien informieren.

Eine nachricht zu hören oder sehen, heißt noch nicht, diese zu registrieren, sie zu registrieren heißt noch nicht sie zu verstehen, verstehen heißt noch nicht sie einzuordnen, einzuordnen heißt noch nicht sie im langzeitgedächtnis abrufen zu können.


@deadparrot You forgot Apple finding pictures that were deleted 4 years ago

Stefan Baumgartner

@ErnstGucker Oh wow. I have just heard about that. That's billions of nudes people want to forget forever suddenly appearing again. How dystopian.

Kote Isaev

@deadparrot It seems soon will appear a page like "Web3 is going great!" - @web3isgreat but about AI.

Stefan Baumgartner

@koteisaev @web3isgreat You can combine the entire tech industry in a blog like this because I think we're beyond hope 😂

Kote Isaev

@deadparrot Yeah, whole Fediverse instance of blog-like software to have long formatted posts, with blogs "xxxx is going great" and handles like, full of per-industry or per-topic. It can have even accounts like to cover shit happening about "Russian law" against pro-western NGOs which ruling party in Georgia country pushing into people throats.
Handle is self-explanatory....


@deadparrot Corporate America simply cannot be trusted with AI. As AI becomes more powerful, it is scary to think that it will be in the hands of Sam Altmans. I would really like the Feds to step in and shut this shit show down.


@deadparrot @adnan you forgot iTerm now has AI powered scripting. Shit ideas always get right to the top of the pile.


@deadparrot @adnan I switched to WezTerm last year. No frills, written in Rust and extremely fast.

Niclas Hedhman


And Seinfeld's insight; "We are Smart enough to invent AI, Dumb enough to need it, but too Stupid to figure out whether it was a good idea or not."

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