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327 posts total
Ilya Zverev

My @foss4g talk on getting POI from @openstreetmap is online! Thanks to the team for following through!

I am really proud of this talk, given it's a rare case of me giving a repeat one. Went almost perfectly. Alas the sound is bad, so I have made subtitles — click the "CC" button near the video settings. And you can auto-translate them into your language!

The talk is about the real world and how maps can't reflect it perfectly. It's super useful, watch it! #gischat

My @foss4g talk on getting POI from @openstreetmap is online! Thanks to the team for following through!

I am really proud of this talk, given it's a rare case of me giving a repeat one. Went almost perfectly. Alas the sound is bad, so I have made subtitles — click the "CC" button near the video settings. And you can auto-translate them into your language!

Ilya Zverev

Just read the specs and a Chris Holmes' blog post on #geoparquet. A few years ago we were choosing the best geo-column format for processing in Parquet files, and found WKB the fastest one (compared to WKT and lon,lat columns). Turns out, we were making a GeoParquet database without knowing it!

Ilya Zverev

I so miss teaching OSM and OSM-related stuff. If anybody wants, I can do a webinar (or come, if you're in Latvia / Estonia) on virtually any OSM- or open geodata-related topic.

Nirab Pudasaini

@zverik would you be interested to mentor some students from Bangladesh on their ideas for disaster hackathon?

Ilya Zverev

This week @openstreetmap is facing the largest vandal attack ever. More than 7000 accounts made too many edits defacing street and amenity names in Russia. Huge thanks to DWG, OWG, and individual mappers for dealing with this.

OpenCage 👉🌍

@openstreetmap Thank you to everyone working on dealing with this. Such a pointless annoyance

Simon Poole

@zverik giving a vandal additional airtime and exposure is not a good idea, regardless how well intended it is.

Ilya Zverev

Had a great day programming yesterday, made a single-page tool for comparing and reviewing geojson geometries one by one. Too often this comes up in my work. #gischat

Ilya Zverev

Added colored markers and properties display for another task I'm doing now. Really proud of the tool, lets me assess how things look on the map relative to each other, and not just analyze differences numerically in postgis.

Ilya Zverev

Tweetdeck is finally blocked for non-paying users. So long.

Ilya Zverev

Stumbled upon the recent Mapbox announcement of their new Standard style. It prompted me to write about how we don't really need advanced maps. Again.

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