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Cory Doctorow

I'm coming to Tartu, Estonia!

May 8, 6PM: Prima Vista Literary Festival keynote, "Overcoming the Enshittocene,"
University of Tartu Library (Struwe 1)

May 10, 8AM: Science Fiction Research Association talk, "AI, copyright and creative workers’ labor rights"
Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures building (Lossi 3, lobby)

May 10, 3PM: A talk for hackers on seizing the means of computation
(University of Tartu Delta Centre, Narva 18, room 1037)


Ilya Zverev

@pluralistic omg omg omg! I live in Tallinn but will definitely come for the last one! Been reading your newsletter for a year and I love how your thoughts extend my understanding of nuances on many things.

Do you know if the hackers room will be open to public, or just students?

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