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31 posts total
Nelson Chu Pavlosky

#Pennsylvania #ticks #LymeDisease #PublicHealth

"Just in time for National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, the Pennsylvania Department of Health launched a new online dashboard to provide Pennsylvania residents and health care providers with information about tickborne diseases. The online dashboard not only pinpoints where ticks are prevalent but also shows the latest state data on tickborne disease activity."

#Pennsylvania #ticks #LymeDisease #PublicHealth

"Just in time for National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, the Pennsylvania Department of Health launched a new online dashboard to provide Pennsylvania residents and health care providers with information about tickborne diseases. The online dashboard not only pinpoints where ticks are prevalent but also shows the latest state data on tickborne disease activity."

Oskar im Keller

@researchbuzz The link is only accesssible for users within the USA.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

We've hit 10 successful check-outs from our e-bike library 🎉

This spring, check out a beautiful Linus e-bike from Wheel Simple for up to 2 weeks, for free!

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@charlesxjyang Image description: A Felix e6100 ebike stands under a tree in a grassy park on a sunny day. It is a comfortable-looking Dutch-style city bike, with fenders on the wheels, integrated headlight & taillight, and a rear rack.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

Today in Labor History May 13, 1985: The city of Philadelphia bombed the house of the radical black activist group MOVE. The police dropped a bomb made with C-4 explosives from a helicopter over the African American residential neighborhood. When survivors tried to flee, the cops shot at them. As a result, eleven MOVE members died, including five children. Furthermore, the bomb and fires destroyed sixty-two others homes in the neighborhood. Consequently, 250 Philadelphians became homeless. Adding insult to injury, the bones of some of the victims were transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where professors used them to teach courses on forensic evidence.

MOVE was a black liberation environmental movement. Many surviving MOVE members were still in prison as late as 2020. Mumia Abu Jamal, who was an associate of MOVE, is still in prison on trumped up charges of killing a cop. He is currently severely ill with diabetes and heart disease. The government has bombed civilians from the air several other times in history. The first was during the Tulsa anti-black pogrom of 1921. They also aerially bombed striking Appalachian miners that same year.

#LaborHistory #workingclass #move #mumiaabujamal #terrorism #bombing #philadelphia #racism #homeless #policebrutality #police #massacre #prison #BlackMastadon

Today in Labor History May 13, 1985: The city of Philadelphia bombed the house of the radical black activist group MOVE. The police dropped a bomb made with C-4 explosives from a helicopter over the African American residential neighborhood. When survivors tried to flee, the cops shot at them. As a result, eleven MOVE members died, including five children. Furthermore, the bomb and fires destroyed sixty-two others homes in the neighborhood. Consequently, 250 Philadelphians became homeless. Adding...

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

Today is the anniversary of the MOVE bombing. The only thing that’s changed is police are far more militarized, far more funded, and far less accountable, while their supporters fly a desecrated flag to explicitly endorse their violent attacks.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

Why were most of the cyclists in this photo wearing masks in November 1977? Was it to avoid breathing polluted air?

If so, thank goodness we have the EPA now; I hope we can address modern threats to air quality, like climate change related wildfires, rather than giving up and letting the air become difficult to breathe again.

#masks #Philly #BikeAdvocacy #biking

Carl Johnson

@skyfaller The air was definitely wildly filthy in the '70s, and riding in traffic could truly make you sick. At the same time, I don't ever recall seeing a cyclist wearing a mask, so it makes me wonder what's up.

Oreo Teeth

@skyfaller I grew up not far from the Lehigh Valley Velodrome. I can remember some of the cyclists wearing either balaclavas or masks in smog season. Most didn't but nobody seemed to care about people who chose to protect themselves from particulates back then.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

I wanted to make sure in writing about ‘involuntary’ nondrivers I didn’t alienate people who choose to organize their lives so they don’t need to own a car. @tfooq endorsement makes me hopeful I managed it!

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

Does anyone have a link to a video on solar storm events and their effect on infrastructure that comes from a reputable source?

Partially due to Google's shitty algorithm, I'm mostly finding clickbait conspiracy BS.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@julescelt01 @ai6yr

There's a group working on open source sewing patterns.

"FreeSewing is open source software to generate bespoke sewing patterns, loved by home sewers and fashion entrepreneurs alike.

Industry sizing is a bunch of lies. Join the slow fashion revolution and enjoy clothes that fit you."

The patterns are parametric and can be adjusted.

Edit: Freesewing also has a fediverse account @freesewing

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

What kinds of roads we choose to build (and for whom we build them) is relevant to creating a future we can thrive in.

Back in the #USA, #Oregon Metro planner Robert Spurlock calculated a complete linked 1,000 MILE network of low-impact regional walk/bike trails would cost $500M. That's half the cost of expanding a mile of I-5 freeway. Admittedly that's just for 3-meter ribbons of asphalt, not beautiful Dutch fietspad with complex crossings and community input.

But we have to make choices now.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

On Saturday, 5/11 and Saturday, 5/18 from 1–4 p.m. we're running a workshop on hosting a website at home! You'll learn to set up an Apache web server on a single-board computer, then you'll configure Dynamic DNS so your site stays online when your IP address changes. We'll have complete kits for sale, or you can bring your own SBC with Ubuntu installed. Registration is required for this one!

Saturday, May 11th:

Saturday, May 18th:

On Saturday, 5/11 and Saturday, 5/18 from 1–4 p.m. we're running a workshop on hosting a website at home! You'll learn to set up an Apache web server on a single-board computer, then you'll configure Dynamic DNS so your site stays online when your IP address changes. We'll have complete kits for sale, or you can bring your own SBC with Ubuntu installed. Registration is required for this one!


@iffybooks I would move to the States just to come to your events. 😍


@iffybooks cool workshop! I’m curious, is this workshop teaching people how to host a website locally and only available to your home network, or one accessible to the internet?

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

We're back to my recurring nightmare of making it easy for a non-technical client to edit a static website generated using #Hugo.

Are there any good solutions? Or am I going to end up writing my own solution after many painful hours with other people's janky solutions?

If you know of a non-technical user successfully editing a static website, how are they doing it?

EDIT: I'll only use open source solutions I can self-host, but happy to hear about proprietary options.

#SSGs #StaticWebsites

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@skyfaller I recently switched from Hugo to Astro (OSS but funded) and it's been a delight. The docs are _incredible_, and it is popular enough that there's meaningful and updated packages to do more things with it (there's a whole section on using a headless CMS service:

not sure if it aligns with your needs, but for me it is a breath of fresh air after wrangling Hugo for so many years. The <Image/> component/service alone is worth it imho

Eric LeVan

@skyfaller Terrible question, but it must be asked.

Is the effort to install, teach and maintain a CMS greater than the effort for you to make the client's updates yourself?

Or is that just out of the question?

I am biased, never met a CMS I liked. Some of the static generators are not bad though.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

BREAKING: During a downpour, Philadelphia Police under orders from new hardline Mayor Cherelle Parker are conducting anti-homeless encampment sweeps of the Kensington and Allegheny area in the northeast area of the city - footage taken around 7 a.m.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

Bike parking — followed by outdoor dining — generates the most revenue for local businesses, nearly double the amount generated from on-street private car storage 👏

We need to inform local businesses of these facts, but also need SFMTA to make quick decisions based off of them.

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Peace Out Art :noverify:

This gives very little information for making across the board conclusions. There are two more links within the link you provided that explain just how complicated it is. A lot of variables are factored in such as location and access - whether walking or biking paths are highly available in the given areas, or if it’s more accessible to cars. The type of areas make a difference, as well as how far they’re coming from, what types of businesses they’re visiting, how long they’ll be there, how much they’re planning on spending (it’s always about money).

Bottom line, according to the info within each of the three links, is that it’s mixed.
There are WAY too many variables to conclude this is a *one size fits all* answer.
Unfortunately a lot of people won’t read further than the headline.

It seems like generally speaking it would be a good idea to mix it up: offer something for everyone. I’m absolutely pro-bike, but each of these options have value.

This gives very little information for making across the board conclusions. There are two more links within the link you provided that explain just how complicated it is. A lot of variables are factored in such as location and access - whether walking or biking paths are highly available in the given areas, or if it’s more accessible to cars. The type of areas make a difference, as well as how far they’re coming from, what types of businesses they’re visiting, how long they’ll be...

Johannes Hentschel

No one should ever need to pay for parking their bike. Make car parking crazily expenaive instead.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

I seem to have adopted an intern at my dysfunctional web business.

The intern is in high school, knows basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and has a little experience using Ruby and other programming languages. However they have never used git, for example, and presumably lack experience with similar essential tools.

How would you help a beginner programmer get started, with a focus on technologies relevant to the web and web infrastructure?

I already recommended they play

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Just a Bill

@skyfaller It’s never too soon to introduce them to accessibility.

#A11y folks, do you have ideas or resources for high-school-age developers?

Eric LeVan

@skyfaller This is interesting, I need to teach my wife Git since universities are 2 decades behind the times.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

OK, which semi-urgent task should I prioritize once I get some breathing space?

Plants should be planted before it gets too hot, block parties can't be planned until we confirm dates with the city, and my band needs to start work on pressing our record if we're going to have it ready by our planned release date.


Anonymous poll


Clear garden to plant native plants
Collect signatures & submit block party petition
Line up music files and cover art for LP
23 people voted.
Voting ended 8 May at 12:10.
Nelson Chu Pavlosky

In Philadelphia – the poorest major city in the U.S. – the minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 per hour for the past 15 years.

It’s not that Philadelphians haven’t tried to change things – but they consistently face pushback from the state legislature.

Ngati Pakeha Kuia

@TheConversationUS positive Victorian. Must be the lowest minimum wage in the OECD.


@TheConversationUS Sounds like PA legislators should be paid that amount.


@TheConversationUS like the Kentucky Derby, the PA State Senate has been controlled by the mob for most of its history.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

I asked protestors at the UPenn camp how non-Penn people can best help, and they said their top need right now is more people attending rallies.

They said the best way to stay up to date on when rallies are occurring is to follow relevant accounts on Instagram, or to check this whiteboard at the camp.

A rally is happening tonight at 7:30pm. (Edit: that was Monday, May 6)

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