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34 posts total
Nelson Chu Pavlosky

OK, which semi-urgent task should I prioritize once I get some breathing space?

Plants should be planted before it gets too hot, block parties can't be planned until we confirm dates with the city, and my band needs to start work on pressing our record if we're going to have it ready by our planned release date.


Anonymous poll


Clear garden to plant native plants
Collect signatures & submit block party petition
Line up music files and cover art for LP
23 people voted.
Voting ended 8 May at 12:10.
Nelson Chu Pavlosky

In Philadelphia – the poorest major city in the U.S. – the minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 per hour for the past 15 years.

It’s not that Philadelphians haven’t tried to change things – but they consistently face pushback from the state legislature.

Ngati Pakeha Kuia

@TheConversationUS positive Victorian. Must be the lowest minimum wage in the OECD.


@TheConversationUS Sounds like PA legislators should be paid that amount.


@TheConversationUS like the Kentucky Derby, the PA State Senate has been controlled by the mob for most of its history.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

I asked protestors at the UPenn camp how non-Penn people can best help, and they said their top need right now is more people attending rallies.

They said the best way to stay up to date on when rallies are occurring is to follow relevant accounts on Instagram, or to check this whiteboard at the camp.

A rally is happening tonight at 7:30pm. (Edit: that was Monday, May 6)

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

At my in-laws’ house getting started on the long process of clearing it out. Found this gem from 1998 being used as a monitor stand. It’s about 2.5” (65mm) thick and holds *dozens* of literal bookmarks. #Relic #SoDusty

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@CaptainFlab Given the self-destruction of search engines, maybe it's time for a printed Internet Yellow Pages comeback. Perhaps with QR codes?

On a small scale, you could make 3-ring binders with local websites and put them in public spaces like coffee shops, so you can easily add or remove pages as websites come and go.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

My yearly complaint that there are no mastodon apps with administrative/moderator tools.


@TheGibson That's because running an instance is freaking HARD.

Hats off.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

Taking a stand on shooting dogs seems weird until you realize its not only problematic on the surface... it's also a euphemism for anyone they consider non-human...

and that's what they are really signaling.


@thegibson Goddamn right. That fucking guy never had a pet and anything he didn’t like was ”like a dog”

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@thegibson This seems like a strong (if somewhat selfish) argument for animal rights, veganism, environmental activism, etc:

If a common strategy for committing atrocities against humans is to "dehumanize" them, or treat them like animals, maybe treating animals with dignity and compassion would help counteract such rhetoric.

Some might say "but we can't even treat humans with dignity and compassion", but what if normalizing atrocities against animals is part of how we got here?

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

An outlandish engine concept I'd like to try and prototype someday is a hybrid compressed air/solenoid engine.

Solenoids are simple electromagnetic mechanisms that people have used to make little toy piston engines. They also get quite hot when cycled on and off.

Compressed air engines are simple and clean, but suffer in power density because expanding gasses get cold, and thus lose motive power.

So a little engine which combines the two would be fun to tinker with.

A.C. Tupper

I'm under no illusions that this would be a *good* engine, just that it would be an interesting way to balance the shortcomings of both approaches towards something symbiotic.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@djsundog I was curious about how one might defeat those and found this video (from a libertarian) where they built a homemade one and then tested it with various kinds of defenses.


* The best defense is a standard pair of noise-protection headphones
* Adding a riot shield or something like it works surprisingly well, allowing the tester to get right up in front of the LRAD
* Foam earplugs are OK but not as effective as headphones
* Electronic headphones are worthless against LRADs

@djsundog I was curious about how one might defeat those and found this video (from a libertarian) where they built a homemade one and then tested it with various kinds of defenses.


* The best defense is a standard pair of noise-protection headphones
* Adding a riot shield or something like it works surprisingly well, allowing the tester to get right up in front of the LRAD
* Foam earplugs are OK but not as effective as headphones
* Electronic headphones are worthless against LRADs

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

I hired a landscape designer and he delivered this #LandscapeDesign. It looks good, but somehow communication broke down and they included a lot of non-native plants when I thought I was clear I wanted native plants. If they include obvious introduced plants, how can I trust they'll source plants that meet my less visible criteria, like straight species / open pollinated & local ecotype? So I guess I have to modify and implement it myself, based on what native plants I can source.

Any feedback?

Megan Lynch (she/her)

@skyfaller Did you ask them to create an edible landscape? Because that's what stands out to me about the choices.

It may be they thought "natives except for edibles, which for most of us are non-native species".

In any case, to create an equivalent edible landscape with natives, you'll need to research not just their needs (so they can be grouped together by similar needs), but also which complement one another, and bring in what kind of pollinators/pests, etc.

Oreo Teeth

@skyfaller I've no direct experience but I've heard good things about Edge of the Woods plant nursery in Orefield for native PA plants.


@skyfaller When you say native do you mean to your area of PA, to the mid-Atlantic and Northeast? Eastern half of North America? People use this term to mean different things.

I agree that if you want straight species and local ecotypes you’ll probably have to get them yourself. I would trust very few people to understand those concepts well enough to do what you want. People think they know what you mean but the idea in their heads is different from yours.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@loren I met a neighborly mining bee recently, it really lived up to its name! It landed on my leg and hung out for a while.


Nelson Chu Pavlosky

"The Embroidered Computer is an 8-bit universal electromechanical computer comparable to early mainframe computers that were built in the 1950s in terms of its capacity and workings. The distinctive feature of The Embroidered Computer, however, is in the manufacturing; it is handmade through traditional gold embroidery and does not incorporate any regular electronic components."

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

It's emotionally difficult considering deleting my Twitter account. I've been active there since 2008, and I still don't know how to grieve a virtual community like this. But I'm not sure I can contribute any more to the terrible fascist cesspool it's become, and if I go inactive, I risk Elon deleting my account for me. It seems I'll have to go out on my terms.

I've started by posting an archive of my Twitter account on my web server:

Thanks @darius for the software!

It's emotionally difficult considering deleting my Twitter account. I've been active there since 2008, and I still don't know how to grieve a virtual community like this. But I'm not sure I can contribute any more to the terrible fascist cesspool it's become, and if I go inactive, I risk Elon deleting my account for me. It seems I'll have to go out on my terms.

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