I've been biking them for 2 years and just learned a new word -- and a new program. H/T @modacitylife
Doorfietsroutes, thru bike paths, are smoothly aligned regional connectors between cities. Fun for tourists. Essential for #climate adaptation.
Regional #infrastructure requires incredibly hard political and engineering cooperation.
#Utrecht Province already has 150km (93m) of a planned 1500km #doorfietsroutes system. #Netherlands built 146km just in 2023.
https://www.provincie-utrecht.nl/onderwerpen/mobiliteit/fiets/doorfietsroutes#Hoe-worden-omwonenden-en-belanghebbenden-betrokken-en-geinformeerd #BikeTooter
What kinds of roads we choose to build (and for whom we build them) is relevant to creating a future we can thrive in.
Back in the #USA, #Oregon Metro planner Robert Spurlock calculated a complete linked 1,000 MILE network of low-impact regional walk/bike trails would cost $500M. That's half the cost of expanding a mile of I-5 freeway. Admittedly that's just for 3-meter ribbons of asphalt, not beautiful Dutch fietspad with complex crossings and community input.
But we have to make choices now.