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Nelson Chu Pavlosky

I seem to have adopted an intern at my dysfunctional web business.

The intern is in high school, knows basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and has a little experience using Ruby and other programming languages. However they have never used git, for example, and presumably lack experience with similar essential tools.

How would you help a beginner programmer get started, with a focus on technologies relevant to the web and web infrastructure?

I already recommended they play

Alistair K

@skyfaller My son – also in high school – has been enjoying Replit as a good platform for expanding his ability. He is at the level of mainly hacking existing code, though – only recently learnt that building websites by hacking Wordpress makes for fragility and immense maintenance costs. He had to learn that the hard way; I couldn't convince him up front.

Replit gives you real-time authoring, but publishing costs money.

Just a Bill

@skyfaller It’s never too soon to introduce them to accessibility.

#A11y folks, do you have ideas or resources for high-school-age developers?

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@billd Thank you for this reminder. I briefly mentioned semantic HTML today, but hopefully there will be time to go more in depth about accessibility.

Eric LeVan

@skyfaller This is interesting, I need to teach my wife Git since universities are 2 decades behind the times.

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