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@skyfaller I recently switched from Hugo to Astro (OSS but funded) and it's been a delight. The docs are _incredible_, and it is popular enough that there's meaningful and updated packages to do more things with it (there's a whole section on using a headless CMS service:

not sure if it aligns with your needs, but for me it is a breath of fresh air after wrangling Hugo for so many years. The <Image/> component/service alone is worth it imho

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@bigethan Thank you for the recommendation, I had heard of Astro but didn't realize it generates static sites by default. (Perhaps because it also has dynamic modes)

How long does Astro take to build your website? I committed to Hugo a while back after suffering through tools like Gatsby that took eons to render websites. I've never really noticed incremental builds on Hugo, and even rebuilding everything from scratch doesn't keep me waiting very long.


@skyfaller it’s different than Hugo, as it does a lot of image processing too, so a full build of a 900 post site, each with an image, takes a minute or two (not at my desk so can’t verify). But it’s good at caching, so that subsequent builds are only what’s needed. And the dev experience is fast enough. Though I’m on an M2. Smaller sites (~15 pages) are super fast.

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