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23 posts total
Luci for dyeing

this ridiculous math problem i’ve been working on for 10 years, i’ve finally solved it.

It’s not an “unsolved” problem, just unsolved for me, and all the material i could find on it was over my head. Now i am here and I learned heaps along the way and made a lot of beautiful messes in desmos.

the problem was, i wanted something like a bezier spline, with control points for start and end, and two more for the angles going in.

I may do a full write up

now what was I making this for?

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Luci for dyeing

next things i’d like it to do:
- a “smoothing” paramater to make the joins c2 or c3 continuous (for squircles or motion paths that don’t want sudden changes of speed)
- a parameter to alter the tangent of the join point (sometimes referred to as ptt in the literature for some reason that is over my head). and bonus points for controlling that angle with the length of the end controls to approximate how a bezier works

Mike Lynch

@zens damn I feel this *looks at a pile of JavaScript which can partition the vertices of a 120-cell*

Luci for dyeing

if you could please kick some dollars to my dear friend @eDragonflym , I would personally appreciate it. She was absolutely key in arranging fundraising for me when i was unexpectedly evacuated from my apartment, she’s been hugely supportive of me.

She has also been subject to many episodes of extreme transphobia, and she is now hanging by a thread and desperately needs help.

Luci for dyeing

it might seem a little boring and obvious but one of the most ancient and popular forms of #analogComputing is, creating lookup tables of precomputed values.

visualising data tables as charts and graphs was apparently not something anyone thought to do until the 18th century (1700s) as an reapplication of nautical maps production to non cartographic data.

Annika Backstrom

@zens "an Egyptian spreadsheet" :blobcheeky:

Luci for dyeing

things that you will definitely miss when they go extinct
(when, not if. and soon, within the next 10 years)

* coffee
* bananas
* chocolate

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Luci for dyeing

coffee is grown primarily in either ethiopia or columbia. it requires very specific conditions that grow more and more perilous each year.

ironically, (because australia’s all about coffee culture) coffee could be grown in Australia’s climate but isn’t because it’s got a long expensive boot up process, and most producers don’t consider it worth the time and expense- because of the way the global economy works, it’s only “worth” growing in the poor countries where workers are easily exploited

ᕹᔓᓗᐠ :mate:
@zens why are we letting this happen again? shareholder profits?
Luci for dyeing

the plural of “star war” is “stars war”
it’s like “attorneys general”

Deborah Pickett

@zens I would boost this but then you would get the wrong kind of replies.


@zens that depends. Is the fighting over more stars, or is there just more fighting about the same star.

Luci for dyeing

i will accept “stars wars”, but never will i accept that this thing that takes place on planets that literally have at least two stars each is only over one “star”.

even if you consider that the death star is the star in question, the series should have been bumped up to “stars war” after episode 4, and possibly just “boy war” for the prequels.

Luci for dyeing

someone just used React.js as an example of facebook “playing nice” and well.. i was able to interact with the react engineers on twitter years ago. they were quite shockingly open with the fact they intended react to be an embrace extend extinguish strategy aimed at the web as a whole, in tandem with react native. the long term vision was to have react native, painting directly to something like webgl or webgpu, then get rid of the rest of the web platform. super surprised they admitted it.

Luci for dyeing

one of those moments i wish i had screen capped

Luci for dyeing

I believe mastodon should have an ads feature: to be used exclusively for mutual aid.

Steve Lord

@zens someone should write an activitypub server specifically to support crowd funding. Unfortunately this is really hard to do in this modern age due to kyc/aml and payment systems.

Luci for dyeing

oblique strategies for programmers:

hardcode everything

do repeat yourself

you probably don’t need that

optimise early, it’s fun

try a new language feature

maybe you can do this entirely with tags and filters

try turning your program inside out

restate the problem

the naïve algorithm is probably fast enough

it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission

it is easier to correct a wrong program than to write a correct program

create a new programming language for this

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Ada Hashtag

@zens is there a web page or style guide with these on somewhere so I can use it to nudge my team into less over-engineering?

Luci for dyeing

soon after the singularity comes into being, it invents time travel and subtly tweaks the past to prevent itself from existing. this is what all singularities do in perpetuity.

screenbeard :Kinoite:

@zens does it leave itself notes only it can decrypt so it knows if it failed (ie, the same version of itself got built)?

I guess what that would look like to an outside observer would just be the singularity tossing out the results of a million "simulations" within seconds of starting the process.

Luci for dyeing

i probably don’t talk enough about how obsessed I am with edge punch cards

Luci for dyeing

68k wave / Ditherpunk

the aesthetic of the computers with the motorola 68k processor. Dithering, paletted colours, colour cycling and palette swapping, sprite and raster effects, point and click adventures and puzzles, chrome spheres floating over checkerboards

- Mac
- Amiga
- Atari ST
- Sharp x68000
- Sega Genesis

Luci for dyeing


They were best known as the processors used in the early Apple Macintosh, the Sharp X68000, the Commodore Amiga, the Sinclair QL, the Atari ST, the Sega Genesis (Mega Drive), the Capcom System I (Arcade), the AT&T UNIX PC, the Tandy Model 16/16B/6000, the Sun Microsystems Sun-1, Sun-2 and Sun-3, the NeXT Computer, NeXTcube, NeXTstation, and NeXTcube Turbo, the Texas Instruments TI-89/TI-92 calculators, the Palm Pilot (all models running Palm OS 4.x or earlier) and the Space Shuttle

Luci for dyeing

I am finally doing it. I am putting my most loved threads up on my website in the least elegant most convenient for me way possible so it gets done.

Here is my UX thread- but without all the lovely comments from people because well, I'd need to get consent from all of those people wouldn't I?

Luci for dyeing

i saw some new person waxing on about how we shouldn’t be overly sentimental about the fediverse’s current magical friendly quality that harkens back to an older web, since these qualities come from the niche and exclusive nature of the fediverse without the burden of carrying “the public discourse”

and like, it just makes me think that they believe every new online service’s purpose is to eventually have everyone on it and I cannot see why that should be a natural assumption.

Luci for dyeing

a reply was in enthusiastic agreement, saying that the problem they had with the fediverse is how snooty and elitist the people already here are about the newcomers and that we wouldn’t be able to tolerate having the whole world here..

and like, yeah? we’re a bunch of queers, neuroatypicals, disabled people and weirdos. why would we want to invite the rest of the world into our spaces? they’re notoriously kinda been dicks to us

Luci for dyeing

let me get this straight.

all 7000 twitter employees had direct production access, and y’all are worried about a mastodon admin reading your dms?

Luci for dyeing

sadly, “google it” is no longer a thing you can just tell people to do, once google started ranking conspiracy theory bigot shit as top results

Allen Stenhaus

@zens Even if they didn't do that, Google gives you results that specifically cater to your biases. Not only is "Google it" not helpful, but it's a smokescreen used to take the burden of proof off the person making bold claims.

It's the same energy as "You're wrong. Do your research."

A good rule of thumb is if what you're saying doesn't help anyone, then perhaps it shouldn't be said.

Luci for dyeing

so have you heard of this cool new thing called RSS? it’s like podcasts but for articles. you should check it out!

Luci for dyeing

the sheer number of people not getting the point of this and compulsively chasing away younger people from possibly being interested in RSS is impressive.

Luci for dyeing

Universal time estimate for projects:
About 15 minutes, give or take 6 months.

Luci for dyeing

it is ableist to use gui frameworks with no accessibility features. full stop. i don’t care how bloated you think electron is, dear imgui is not an alternative anyone should use.

Adrian Cochrane

@zens Here we strongly agree!

Don't let fetishizing minimalism fall into ableism! And don't let it fall into a more subtle form of white supremacy!

Talking as someone who does think electron is bloated...

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