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Luci for dyeing

fun fact about “Rich Text Format”
it’s not called that to mean “enriched”, or to contrast with “plain” text. The format was designed by a guy named richard. it’s literally Richard’s Text Format

Deborah Pickett

@zens To think that in a parallel universe, it’s called Dave Text Format!

Luci for dyeing

@futzle i think the parallel universe where it’s called Dick Text Format (DTF) is funnier


@zens I shall refer to it hencefort as Rich’s Text Format

Kit Bashir

@zens lines up with my theory that anyone who names a temp file “dave.c” (fsvo dave) is a dangerous fool.

Luci for dyeing

file under true facts that sound like april fool’s jokes

Dan Sim

@zens i REALLY want to believe this, and have no reason to doubt it other than “internet”. I can find any anecdotes anywhere though! Do you know of any?

kc :blobcatheart:

@zens i want to doubt you but the name of one of the three guys who developed RTF is Richard Brodie

beans within, beans without
@zens i know ur probably lying but i am just going to take it as fact anyway cause its funny
Ophestra I'd like to think nodejs is designed by someone named no ​:meowmeltcry:​


@zens why isn't it called dick format then?

Ian K Tindale

@zens in that case from henceforth on I shall refer to it as Dick Text Format

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