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Luci for dyeing


They were best known as the processors used in the early Apple Macintosh, the Sharp X68000, the Commodore Amiga, the Sinclair QL, the Atari ST, the Sega Genesis (Mega Drive), the Capcom System I (Arcade), the AT&T UNIX PC, the Tandy Model 16/16B/6000, the Sun Microsystems Sun-1, Sun-2 and Sun-3, the NeXT Computer, NeXTcube, NeXTstation, and NeXTcube Turbo, the Texas Instruments TI-89/TI-92 calculators, the Palm Pilot (all models running Palm OS 4.x or earlier) and the Space Shuttle

Luci for dyeing

did the space shuttle run any good games?

Luci for dyeing

i forgot to mention FM synthesis, and MOD music as an essential part of the aesthetic.

text scrollers, chrome effects, feedback fire
see Ava Max: who’s laughing now

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