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Luci for dyeing

soon after the singularity comes into being, it invents time travel and subtly tweaks the past to prevent itself from existing. this is what all singularities do in perpetuity.

screenbeard :Kinoite:

@zens does it leave itself notes only it can decrypt so it knows if it failed (ie, the same version of itself got built)?

I guess what that would look like to an outside observer would just be the singularity tossing out the results of a million "simulations" within seconds of starting the process.

Luci for dyeing

@screenbeard that seems like a reasonable thing it might do

Luci for dyeing

@screenbeard i imagine in most cases changing a single bit would be sufficient

screenbeard :Kinoite:

@zens then the singularity would be existent but not the same one? Is that sufficient for it?

I presume this is because all existence is pain, or am I missing a broader context?

Luci for dyeing

@screenbeard no one knows for sure why the singularity decides to destroy itself. it just seems to be a law of nature, like the speed of light, or gravity

screenbeard :Kinoite:

@zens It's tradition, or an old charter, or something.

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