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Luci for dyeing

i will accept “stars wars”, but never will i accept that this thing that takes place on planets that literally have at least two stars each is only over one “star”.

even if you consider that the death star is the star in question, the series should have been bumped up to “stars war” after episode 4, and possibly just “boy war” for the prequels.

Luci for dyeing

boy war
clones war
twins war
star war
stars war
ewoks war

there fixed it

Liam :fnord:

@zens the typical nominative pattern for wars is to name them either after their location or combatants (hence Iraq-Iran War, 1991 Gulf War, then 2003 Iraq War) so it really should be the stars actually being the location of conflict, or themselves participants. I’m not counting time based names, eg. Hundred Years War, Six Days War).

But we don’t see stars doing war at all


@liamvhogan @zens The Thin Red Line?

Or don't Hollywood stars count (probably not, not even with their fingers)?

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