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I’m thrilled to announce that @pixelfed is extending our innovative Autospam feature into a dedicated service!

✨ Better Spam Detection
✨ New instances don’t need to train models
✨ Network intelligence retrains model in real time
✨ Any fedi project can easily add support for this

More details soon!

Learn more about Autospam from our blog post

#pixelfed #autospam #activitypub

I’m thrilled to announce that @pixelfed is extending our innovative Autospam feature into a dedicated service!

✨ Better Spam Detection
✨ New instances don’t need to train models
✨ Network intelligence retrains model in real time
✨ Any fedi project can easily add support for this

More details soon!

Learn more about Autospam from our blog post

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Jari Pennanen

@dansup @pixelfed I can imagine service that looks after all kind of ActivityPub traffic, e.g. follows, replies etc, would be really helpful even on WordPress AP integration. Spam is a big problem for WP sites who decides to federate.

I think the aim is right now just for PixelFed.

monkee 🐒

@dansup @pixelfed Amazing at which speed pixelfeed is innovating. :awesome: Thanks!

Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢

@dansup Just don't forget #Pixelfed, especially the web (and webapp) interface. ^_~



I had a Google Home since it came out in 2017 and an Alexa for a few years and the Alexa randomly responds with the weather as if someone asked it.

Could this be a ghost, and if so, maybe a ghost who prefers Alexa? (and is quiet as a ghost obvs)


@dansup these modern creepy pasta are going wild


Ngl, I'm jealous of my youngest brother who doesn't have any wisdom teeth...

like why do we even have them at all?? He is smarter than me, make it make sense...

**shakes fist at evolution**


My dentist told me that because I will never have wisdom teeth, I am "higher on the evolutionary scale". I use that info often at family gatherings. 😜

Chris Deluca

@dansup My SO only has one wisdom tooth…. Maybe nature just runs into supply chain issues periodically.


I haven't been coding the past few days since I had my wisdom tooth pulled

Now I'm back, and putting the final touches on the new @pixelfed Compose UI 😎

#pixelfed #composeUI

Christof Damian 💙💛

Get well soon!

And once you are: can we have auto complete on hashtags too?

Matthias :veritrek_red:

@dansup @pixelfed IMO teeth are in the top 3 of the stupidest things evolution came up with.

Flo Ti

@dansup @pixelfed Thank you! For me, #Pixelfed is literally the best thing on the internet. I instantly feel calmer and more positive and inspired when I use it.


I had to get my wisdom tooth extracted, but on the bright side I seen a pack of deer leaving my favourite weed store


@dansup what were they doing in the store? I didn't know deer smoked weed.


Wisdom tooth cracked, at the dentist now, yay

Hope your Friday is doing better 😃


ngl fedi devs are weirdos

they either embrace it or hide it

cheers to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes

#areTheOnesWhoDo #fediverse

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️


Hugs to y'all ya beautiful freaks! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:


omg someone called me a young man, it made my year 😁

- Sent from my 34 year old body

skribe 🇺🇦 :verified_mustard:

@dansup 34, you're still a baby. You don't even ache all the time yet 😂


@dansup Pretty early in the year to have something already “make your year”. Guess it’s all downhill from here.

Sean C.

@dansup 34 is young to me as i am nearing 50


I'm sorry for not responding to issues and PRs promptly.

Between @pixelfed, @fedidb, @supapp and pubkit I have my hands full.

That said, I'm making an effort to be a better maintainer and encourage contributions.

See for yourself, this is the comment that started this, compare that to the before (from 2 hours ago) vs after (now)

I hope y'all don't think of me that way, I strive to be the best maintainer I can be, let me know your thoughts on how I can improve


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@dansup @pixelfed @fedidb @supapp
A failure to delegate brings mental exhaustion and collapse. So delegation isn't a preferred way of working but an existential necessity.

Even if it is objectively true that others would do a less good job (it probably isn't) that is no justification.

Casting yourself as 'lead developer' would likely compound the problem, with no real change + a slice of managing.

Better to split into bite sized projects, reducing the load on you in real terms.


@dansup @pixelfed @fedidb @supapp
A failure to delegate brings mental exhaustion and collapse. So delegation isn't a preferred way of working but an existential necessity.

Even if it is objectively true that others would do a less good job (it probably isn't) that is no justification.

Casting yourself as 'lead developer' would likely compound the problem, with no real change + a slice of managing.


@dansup @pixelfed @fedidb @supapp
I understand oss maintainer is a thankless job. Thank you for your work.

As to how you can improve? Well, you could solve just three more issues. You will be rewarded well for your allegiance.


Before vs After

Just shipped improved meta tags in @pixelfed that use the same structure as Mastodon.

tl;dr #pixelfed links on other platforms look better


I'm really looking forward to releasing the #pixelfedApp source code, it will be awesome to have more hands on deck

2024 is the year of @pixelfed

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Pierre-Yves Lapersonne

@dansup @pixelfed Looking forward to see this incredible project be libre or #opensource :blobcatheart:


@dansup @pixelfed whats the tech stack look like?? 👨🏽‍💻


The new @pixelfed docs site is live and will be evolving quickly over the next few days and weeks! ✨

#pixelfed #docs #activityPub #mastoApi

Solinvictus :verified:

@dansup can it communicate to PgPool-II and/or Redis Sentinel?


Edit: It's live!

Really looking forward to shipping the new website!

Some highlights:
✨ Simpler Setup
✨ Federation Spec
✨ Complete API docs

This is long overdue and will help admins, client developers and fediverse developers alike 😉

#pixelfed #activitypub #docs


I took a few days off during the holidays, and now I'm back!

Really excited to ship the new #pixelfed app and backend releases and my other side projects (#sup, #pubkit and #solo)

2024 here I come 😁

Jippi 🇩🇰

@dansup welcome back! hope you had an amazing couple of days off 🎉 I left you a Docker refactor PR on GitHub :P


@dansup What's the state with sup, is there any place we can look at to see the latest development? (Besides your posts here)


Instagram changed the data export format again, I will update the import logic to support this updated format and maintain support with previous formats.

#pixelfed #instagramImport


Oh great, someone spreading misinfo about @pixelfed because they don't know how federation works 🙄

The source code is kind of public and this claim is easy to prove wrong by just reading it ✨


Redesigning the @pixelfed Compose UI, it's much simpler and better!

It will be shipping in the next release, due out any day now 👀

Danie van der Merwe

@dansup @pixelfed really hoping we'll get HEIC uploads, as checking today an HEIC upload would have been 2.7 MB but the JPG equivalent was 3.87 MB

Nico Jensen :fcsp2:

When is „due out any day now"? The news is already over a week old and version 0.12 was also announced for December 21 and is still not available :-(


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