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I'm sorry for not responding to issues and PRs promptly.

Between @pixelfed, @fedidb, @supapp and pubkit I have my hands full.

That said, I'm making an effort to be a better maintainer and encourage contributions.

See for yourself, this is the comment that started this, compare that to the before (from 2 hours ago) vs after (now)

I hope y'all don't think of me that way, I strive to be the best maintainer I can be, let me know your thoughts on how I can improve


Mitex Leo

@dansup This was my biggest complain about Pixelfed. Thank you so much !


@dansup @pixelfed @fedidb @supapp Been there. It’s easy to forget that publishing code like this comes with a cost & responsibility. I had to learn that the hard way.

My recommendation is to find a core group of maintainers that you trust & collaborate with. That way it’s not all on you. You can delegate certain tasks to them and focus on what you want to accomplish, where your skills are best applied


@patrice @pixelfed @fedidb @supapp Yeah I understand that, for the longest time I pushed back against contributors due to my ego/pride that got in the way.

It's okay to ask for help, and I'm learning that now.

shom 🐧📷🤿🏔️🪚

@dansup it takes a lot of courage to be introspective, especially in public, kudos. You may be interested in the concept of servant leadership. Not as a full model for your projects but something to help with involving others. Like you said, it's absolutely okay to ask for help but often you're helping others by accepting their help. Good luck!


@dansup @pixelfed @fedidb @supapp
A failure to delegate brings mental exhaustion and collapse. So delegation isn't a preferred way of working but an existential necessity.

Even if it is objectively true that others would do a less good job (it probably isn't) that is no justification.

Casting yourself as 'lead developer' would likely compound the problem, with no real change + a slice of managing.

Better to split into bite sized projects, reducing the load on you in real terms.


@dansup @pixelfed @fedidb @supapp
A failure to delegate brings mental exhaustion and collapse. So delegation isn't a preferred way of working but an existential necessity.

Even if it is objectively true that others would do a less good job (it probably isn't) that is no justification.

Casting yourself as 'lead developer' would likely compound the problem, with no real change + a slice of managing.


@dansup @pixelfed @fedidb @supapp
I understand oss maintainer is a thankless job. Thank you for your work.

As to how you can improve? Well, you could solve just three more issues. You will be rewarded well for your allegiance.

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