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I took a few days off during the holidays, and now I'm back!

Really excited to ship the new #pixelfed app and backend releases and my other side projects (#sup, #pubkit and #solo)

2024 here I come 😁

Jippi 🇩🇰

@dansup welcome back! hope you had an amazing couple of days off 🎉 I left you a Docker refactor PR on GitHub :P


@jippi Awesome, thank you, I will take a look tomorrow 😁

Jippi 🇩🇰

@dansup no rush! Might need a bit of coffee for it, as it's a pretty large change - I tried my best to document and break down all the things individually so it's (hopefully) easier to follow and maintain int he future.

Would be happy to assume ownership of that part for a while if it's "owner-less"

I noticed a lot of Docker-related PRs being up for a long time without action, so maybe not a big focus for you? Happy to try and off load some of that if you want


@dansup What's the state with sup, is there any place we can look at to see the latest development? (Besides your posts here)


@maybeanerd I'm focusing on the main Pixelfed app and new backend release before I jump back over to Sup and release the app + backend source code and open up the public beta.

Once the code is public, I'm hoping we can get more contributors to help add more features and polish before the v1 release, I'm hoping to delegate PM to the right person once we reach a good state so I can focus on Pixelfed

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