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I am cree, and belong to a long line of chiefs and medicine men

These are passed down to the oldest son of the oldest son

I'm the oldest son. My dad was the oldest, his dad was the oldest. Since I was a kid, I've been prep'd for this

Generations of traditions have been passed down

I struggle with this in many ways, being a gay man most especially. I feel a duty to pass this on to my own son, and to help heal people in need as I was taught

I need to embrace this, and this is my first step!

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Nick Trussell

What an incredible and amazing journey you are on. I'm so very impressed with your powerful gifts and am so very thankful for everything you are carrying forward and bringing out into the world and doing so as yourself, in uniquely the way that you can.


@dansup Traditions are important. But so is your happiness and all, so hope you can keep the struggle light. There has been long traditions I heard in native cultures of gay, lesbian, trans, two-souls, whatever it was called, I bet it happened before, maybe talk to open/progressive elders that might remember.


Thank you for sharing. May your journey be fulfilling.


UI Updates: developers love them and users hate them

The recent Mastodon icon changes remind me of this sentiment, I'm kind of worried that @pixelfed may alienate some users with the upcoming redesign


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@dansup @pixelfed some people will hate any change, some people will hate not enough change. you can't really keep these folk happy. so manage expectations and get on with your roadmap. but as long as the changes, don't get in people's way, make sense, and there is enough communication for most people there will be some grumbling but they will be fine

Jacob Michalskie

@dansup @pixelfed the first rule to good UX is not changing things too much, users use what you have for a reason, but that's difficult to justify if you get paid to rethink everything over and over again

Chris 🦑

@dansup @pixelfed we had this with every single UI change we did in our software company back than. Just go on, you are doing good!


An early preview of the redesigned @pixelfed UI

It's about time we stepped out of the "federated instagram" shadow

While it will remain familiar, I'm eager to build on our Collections (think Pinterest), Exif data (flickr, 500px) and Portfolios (deviantart) features

We are not abandoning the social photo sharing aspects of IG

Rather we will be extending beyond them to provide new and exciting ways to share photos + videos, more details soon!


#pixelfed #pixelfedUI #metro

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Mark Eichin

It is definitely a shadow; I'm personally in the "huh, that's a thing, wake me up when someone figures out decentralized flickr" camp :)


If you are a bottom, you can ignore this.

Tops, they never prepared us for Bravo and reality tv.

They hid from us, the Andy Cohen fueled drama that has taken over so much of their free time.

If your bottom hasn't asked you to watch any Bravo or TLC show with them, you have hope, don't fall into this trap.

We thought we had power, little did we know how tricksy these bottoms could be. It's not too late to just say "Nah"


I've tried to find support but there is no treatment for this.

My advice is to stay away from anything your bottom wants you to listen to or watch, and don't even get me started on Reels.

"babe this is totally you" is a red flag, once you open and watch just one Reel, they won't stop.

"why didn't you watch those Reels" is a daily struggle

Keep them away from podcasts too, they like to congregate, shits dangerous!!


I conflicted with Plane Jane, on one hand she is catty AF and we stan them mean queens but on the other hand she just a dollar store Jimbo and I'm not sure her outfits and opinions will sustain her (like girl, Jimbo was giving wacky and sensational but the only memorable moments you have are in confessionals)

I want to love her, but I'm bananas over her nemesis lil mrs.Nymphia

#RuPaul #RuPaulsDragRace #Season16 #GirlYouBettaWalkThatDuck #NymphiaWind

Cairo Braga

@dansup I'm against her because from the comments she made about the other girls I could notice she's clearly fatphobic, one of them gays whose religion is to worship skinnyness. AND THEN because she's discount Jimbo. hope she goes home ASAP.

Alien Invader 🔻


The minute she said she was the 'real' russian doll I started hating her, because I LOVE #Katya so... yeah.
Unfortunately Ru will go ape for her because she loves jimbo and this is going to be painful for us viewers.

#NymphiaWind is the only reason I am watching this season!!!!!
She better get to the final.

Edit: Apparently Nymphia & Plain Jane are friends and are touring around Asia doing gigs. Interesting.


The minute she said she was the 'real' russian doll I started hating her, because I LOVE #Katya so... yeah.
Unfortunately Ru will go ape for her because she loves jimbo and this is going to be painful for us viewers.

#NymphiaWind is the only reason I am watching this season!!!!!
She better get to the final.


So happy for Venus, this was an iconic season and most of all, as a fellow Metis, I couldn't be more proud of her and the indigenous representation on such a national and global stage.

cîhkêyihtam mamihcihiwewak nimis



It’s amusing when spammers think padding their spam posts with AI generated text will somehow throw off @pixelfed Autospam when in reality it helps train it even better 😂

Girrrrrl please, it’s giving desperate 💅

#Autospam #pixelfed #desperate


Thankfully we haven’t lost power yet. Sad to see so many political takes about this situation when really it’s due to 2 major (natural gas powered) power generation facilities being temporarily offline and the excessive demand due to the weather.

I hope all my fellow Albertans are safe and am sorry for wishing so hard for snow and a white Christmas 😅


Accidentally posting to a public story on Snapchat is the worst UX ever, like I didn’t know followers even existed on snap and now I have hundreds and they seen too much 🤣


The current @pixelfed landing page and the whole guest experience leaves a lot to be desired.

I'm working to fix this, it's going to be a huge shift that embraces content discovery and onboarding in a much easier and better way!

#pixelfed #ui #metroUI #onboarding


Fediverse devs like me get a lot of attention because our work is more user facing, but I still think it’s important to remind people of the crucial work that the ActivityPub authors put in.

They did this at a time where there was little to no expectation for established players to join and they laid the groundwork for @Mastodon and others to shine!

Y’all wouldn’t be reading this today if Mastodon stuck with just oStatus.

Remember the magic of the fediverse is bcuz of them, not Mastodon!


@dansup I am very new to the idea of the fediverse. Do you have any recommended reading on this history, other than just Wikipedia (I’m already reading that)?


we really be do standing on the shoulders of giants

the fediverse wouldn't exist without the pioneering work of @cwebber, @erincandescent and @evan

let's show them some appreciation, Mastodon and Threads get a lot of credit for the ActivityPub spec they built upon and the AP authors don't get the credit they deserve


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In my humble Opinion there shouldn't be any Mention of Projects from Meta that happen to use ActivityPub in no case at all.

Mastodon as of Software and not the big same named Instance from it's Developer has to be viewed more different, at least in my Opinion.

Mastodon as a Software was a good development and kinda still is BUT the Direction the same named Instance is going is a different Thing.

#ActivityPub #Appreciation #Protocol #Developers
@cwebber @erincandescent @evan

In my humble Opinion there shouldn't be any Mention of Projects from Meta that happen to use ActivityPub in no case at all.

Mastodon as of Software and not the big same named Instance from it's Developer has to be viewed more different, at least in my Opinion.

Mastodon as a Software was a good development and kinda still is BUT the Direction the same named Instance is going is a different Thing.

JProl 🌍🎶💾🆓🐦

Thanks all! @dansup @cwebber @erincandescent

Although @evan won't let me follow him, I don't know if he has blocked only me or all of :-/


y'all be so distracting ❤️

(seriously, ask any fedi dev how easy it is to get lost in replies or marketing. Start the night trying to finish a feature and end up helping someone debug an issue or walk through installation. The struggle is real, and I'm here for it most of the time, but now I need to focus on the backlog of features and bug fixes)


I unfollowed a few accounts and will be distant from discord/matrix so I can focus on getting caught up on @pixelfed

Please don't take it personally fam, I'll be back to my chipper self soon

I got a bit distracted with sup, solo and pubkit and need to wrap up the Parental Controls grant milestone so I have the financial stability to focus on side projects like them

Donations are very appreciated!


I can't emphasize enough how crucial @pixelfed Autospam is to our platform and user experience

We're starting to see a lot more spam accounts/posts, and thanks to our (best in class) spam detection system, we are able to prevent 99% of spam posts from ever being seen by users!

The best part is it becomes even more accurate and useful the more you train it 😎

#pixelfed #autospam #spam #spamDetection


@dansup that is a very nice feature.
Do you also have stats on how many false positives you currently have?


Federated Uber but for weed delivery

Imagine being able to order the dankest buds or pre-rolls with ease from a local mom/pop store using an open platform that incentivizes delivery with fair driver fees.

A stoner can dream...

#activityPub #legalize

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Jack :arch: :vim: :suckless:

@dansup better yet, something like an ice cream truck that just has tons of product in the vehicle and drives around town


My car didn’t start earlier because of the frigid temperatures of -30 so I plugged her in and she started up with command start just now no problems!

I work from home and rarely drive (it’s a 2016 Mazda with only 55k kms lol) but you never know when you need to make an emergency snack/beer/smoke run 😅

#trueNorth #alberta

Emelia 👸🏻

@dansup here's me complaining about -10°C (berlin is the same latitude as calgary)


@dansup yep, expecting the cold to reach Southern Manitoba in the next day or two. Hoping to move up to a full electric by fall of 2025, so these colder, block heater days will become daily charging, instead.


Minus 50, winters finally arrived ☺️ #alberta

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Григорий Клюшников

It astonishes me that people voluntarily live in such places. And I thought the recent week of temperatures consistently below -20, when I stayed inside the entire week, was rough 🙈



The good thing about minus 40 is that you need not know the units involved.

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