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we really be do standing on the shoulders of giants

the fediverse wouldn't exist without the pioneering work of @cwebber, @erincandescent and @evan

let's show them some appreciation, Mastodon and Threads get a lot of credit for the ActivityPub spec they built upon and the AP authors don't get the credit they deserve


πŸ…ΊπŸ…ΈπŸ…Ό πŸ†‚πŸ…²πŸ…·πŸ†„πŸ…»πŸ†‰

@dansup @cwebber @erincandescent @evan threads should not get any credit at all. It is a dumb-people honneypot made by Meta as they are loosing ground with FB and insta.


@dansup @cwebber @erincandescent @evan I love ActivityPub! ❀️❀️❀️


In my humble Opinion there shouldn't be any Mention of Projects from Meta that happen to use ActivityPub in no case at all.

Mastodon as of Software and not the big same named Instance from it's Developer has to be viewed more different, at least in my Opinion.

Mastodon as a Software was a good development and kinda still is BUT the Direction the same named Instance is going is a different Thing.

#ActivityPub #Appreciation #Protocol #Developers
@cwebber @erincandescent @evan

In my humble Opinion there shouldn't be any Mention of Projects from Meta that happen to use ActivityPub in no case at all.

Mastodon as of Software and not the big same named Instance from it's Developer has to be viewed more different, at least in my Opinion.

Mastodon as a Software was a good development and kinda still is BUT the Direction the same named Instance is going is a different Thing.

JProl πŸŒπŸŽΆπŸ’ΎπŸ†“πŸ¦

Thanks all! @dansup @cwebber @erincandescent

Although @evan won't let me follow him, I don't know if he has blocked only me or all of :-/

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