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UI Updates: developers love them and users hate them

The recent Mastodon icon changes remind me of this sentiment, I'm kind of worried that @pixelfed may alienate some users with the upcoming redesign



@dansup @pixelfed it's not about UI updates

people hate change

UI is just the quickest they notice usually


@dansup @pixelfed gradual changes are easier for most people than everything all at once.

Emelia 👸🏻

@dansup @pixelfed they'll still use or come back to loving you later on


@dansup @pixelfed some people will hate any change, some people will hate not enough change. you can't really keep these folk happy. so manage expectations and get on with your roadmap. but as long as the changes, don't get in people's way, make sense, and there is enough communication for most people there will be some grumbling but they will be fine

Jacob Michalskie

@dansup @pixelfed the first rule to good UX is not changing things too much, users use what you have for a reason, but that's difficult to justify if you get paid to rethink everything over and over again

Chris 🦑

@dansup @pixelfed we had this with every single UI change we did in our software company back than. Just go on, you are doing good!

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