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I’m thrilled to announce that @pixelfed is extending our innovative Autospam feature into a dedicated service!

✨ Better Spam Detection
✨ New instances don’t need to train models
✨ Network intelligence retrains model in real time
✨ Any fedi project can easily add support for this

More details soon!

Learn more about Autospam from our blog post

#pixelfed #autospam #activitypub

tau I would not call it "Autospam", that makes it seem like a spam bot

Jari Pennanen

@dansup @pixelfed I can imagine service that looks after all kind of ActivityPub traffic, e.g. follows, replies etc, would be really helpful even on WordPress AP integration. Spam is a big problem for WP sites who decides to federate.

I think the aim is right now just for PixelFed.

monkee 🐒

@dansup @pixelfed Amazing at which speed pixelfeed is innovating. :awesome: Thanks!

Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢

@dansup Just don't forget #Pixelfed, especially the web (and webapp) interface. ^_~


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