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Edit: Update is live!

It's been a while since I updated my personal website

The new design is still simple AF but has a bit more info, shipping shortly 😉

Here is the current design, will update this post with the new design once it's live.

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@dansup The Jony Ive of Website design. ;-). I am only teasing you, not trolling. Minimalism is a challenge. You have it down to an art.

Clayton Errington 🖥️

@dansup simple is good too! It’s hard when you’re making other great projects and forget your own sometimes. Keep up the good work you’re doing!


I got a few reactions from my last @pixelfed story, can't wait to ship Stories to the official apps! #stories

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@dansup I've got to know, do you have clones?
Seems like you're putting out amazing features on a weekly basis, each one would take me months to perfect.


@dansup @pixelfed Can’t wait to have stories! - I think it’s a feature many people use to share their daily experiences and something that will help to recruit people over from Instagram.


@dansup @pixelfed

Is there a Linux app?
Like @Tokodon for #Mastodon or @Neochat for #Matrix?
Then I would have everything I need on Linux mobile and #SteamDeck 😅


Finally back to @pixelfed HQ after a fun weekend with friends, date night and deck building.

I also drove my car for the first time in months, I need to hook up the subwoofer again shes so quiet.

Anyways, ready for another productive as heck week 💪


The @pixelfed web UI supports federated stories and even shows you who viewed them across pixelfed instances 😎

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@dansup @pixelfed I do love snooping, this intrigues me. XD.

Jonathan Cremin

@dansup @pixelfed I appreciate all the work you've done on Pixelfed, but the who viewed feature seems ill-advised and against the vibes of the fediverse.


@dansup @pixelfed awesome! Is this coming to the app as well or did I miss a setting?


It ain’t a party until you see sunrise, and reconsider your life choices while you have a smoke at 8am. #afters

O'Shaq Hennessy

@dansup Murder now the path of "must we?" just because the Sun has come.


When they came for the Bugles and Little Debbies I was silent.

They even stole Delissio pizza from us, and again I was silent.

Now they want to take Kleenex away from Canada.

I call all fellow Canadians to do something about it eh


Gates, a new paradigm in @pixelfed that combine roles and permissions to allow admins, users, and others to define fine-grained limits for every action or request.

We already have Sudo mode, and this extends features like Sudo mode to mobile apps and other clients!

I'll be sharing more details about #pixelfedGates soon

François Best

@dansup @pixelfed While "sudo mode" makes sense on GitHub, a dev-centric place where users are likely to have heard of the name and its meaning, is it the case for Pixelfed users?

"Admin mode" may be more clear to non-devs.


I've been working on multiple account support for the webUI, along with a new registration flow and 2FA/Sudo Mode and oAuth screens!

This ties together the updated authentication layer which will enable new features like Passkey, better LDAP support, and IndieAuth. #pixelfed

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User invites, group invites, 2FA + oauth, federated interactions, there are so many related features this will ship along!

Not to mention this will significantly improve the performance of every route as we'll be eliminating two middlewares that are called on every request!


Also, just want to point out that @pixelfed has an intuitive Server Directory feature built-in.

You can submit your server to from your admin dashboard

And I built in the other side into so I can review and approve/reject server directory listings.


Currently working on the dashboard, making it easier for me to manage our server directory.

Although I'm the only person who ever uses this, I wanted to share this so you can see how I have to balance my time between core dev, app dev and ecosystem dev.

I know the app store launch is important, and is my main priority, but at the same time, our ecosystem depends on services/tools like these.

It's all about balance 😎

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Jon Lindemann

@dansup Tooling is HIGHLY underrated. You can build it, but without having tools to maintain it you're pretty much hosed. You'll wind up building them regardless to save your sanity.


@dansup doesn’t it go against the fediverse idea that one person controls the more or less central hub of such a part of the system? (The directory/listings)


It’s raining, and I don’t feel like coding tonight so imma color this if I can find some pencil crayons. Results will be on my pixelfed #trixieAndKatyaColoringBook


There are so many interesting problems to solve with regards to @pixelfed and scaling/performance

One example is how I'm debating weather to keep a full redis sorted set of followers for each account or just a hundred and use db for pagination (when appropriate) to reduce RAM and make more room for other features.

It's basically a game of whack a CRUD where you're hitting bottlenecks with cache but then cache become bottlenecks 😅

Jeroen Massar

@dansup @pixelfed initially just let your DB handle caching for those situations, it is made for it. Of course that does require proper queries and decent indexes. PostgreSQL is great for that reason as it has the analysis/explains where one can update things. Adding a redis etc, is side cache, allowing your DB to cache more can be more than enough. Less moving parts, less cache inconsistencies.


Pixelfed v0.11.9 is out and packs some powerful features!

✨ Import from Instagram
✨ Sign-in with Mastodon
✨ Reblogs in home feed
✨ Account Migrations

And yes, it's only been 2 months since v0.11.8 was released, it's been a productive summer ☀️

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Yaqub. M

@dansup how to install it. Am not that geek 🤓


@dansup I'm confused, doesn't it follow semver?
These look like minor version changes 👀

Ian Alexander Martin

@dansup Hey there! Love the new Instagram Import option, but have a bug report:

🐞 cannot seem to import posts in mass numbers (may be due to inclusion of next point)
🐞 cannot import post which includes more than one image (no error message, just doesn’t work)
🐞 some posts import several times, plus are still available in the “review imports” UI preview of JSON file (maybe this is two bugs?)

Any suggestions or requests for more information are welcomed.

@dansup Hey there! Love the new Instagram Import option, but have a bug report:

🐞 cannot seem to import posts in mass numbers (may be due to inclusion of next point)
🐞 cannot import post which includes more than one image (no error message, just doesn’t work)
🐞 some posts import several times, plus are still available in the “review imports” UI preview of JSON file (maybe this is two bugs?)


Pixelfed does support disabling comments, and it even federates, but it doesn't prevent comments from Mastodon and other implementations.

We're working on better comment controls, and look forward to working with Mastodon and others on compatibility. #activitypub #comments #commentControl

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@dansup +bravo. - how can we move mastodon content to our pixelfed page?

Sean C.

@dansup choice and options are always a good thing


Comment control is really needed, I should be able to stop these two "passionate" people from arguing in my comments

Brian Hawthorne

@dansup I’m not sure what you mean by “your” thread. Once you have made a post, it is out there in the fediverse. It is still your post, as are any followup posts you make in reply. But it’s not “your” thread. They are just replies to your post.

Anyone who doesn’t want to see the argument can mute or block them, but it sounds like you are asking for the ability to block those comments for EVERYONE, not just yourself. Please let the rest of us make our own decisions as to what we see.

I mean if they are making comments that violate their instances rules, (e.g., racism) then by all means report them, but if you just don’t like their passion? Let it go.

@dansup I’m not sure what you mean by “your” thread. Once you have made a post, it is out there in the fediverse. It is still your post, as are any followup posts you make in reply. But it’s not “your” thread. They are just replies to your post.

Anyone who doesn’t want to see the argument can mute or block them, but it sounds like you are asking for the ability to block those comments for EVERYONE, not just yourself. Please let the rest of us make our own decisions as to what we see.


Don't mean to sound like a broken record, but honesty, integrity and trust are super important to me

I probably share too much, and more importantly, I've realized how freeing it is to be vulnerable and open, and to be able to publicly acknowledge your faults

I'm not ashamed of my drunken rants about how much I love the fediverse, or how we can improve it

Y'all keep me grounded, and I love that.

This here, what we're building, can last generations, if built properly.

Brendan Jones

@dansup Mate I love how open you are with Pixelfed dev. I wish certain other open source project devs would be more like you.

🇳🇱 Jeroen 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

@dansup In my book it's a sign of true maturity when a person is confident enough in their strengths that they don't feel the need to cover up or deny their faults and weaknesses. Many people live out their lives being afraid of appearing weak if they ever acknowledge they made a mistake or are simply not that good at something (or anything).

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