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Joe Cooper 💾

@dansup don't get too excited. Most forks die almost immediately, once the anger or misunderstanding that triggered the fork blows over and the forkers realize that maintaining a large OSS project mostly sucks and it isn't really about fixing a few bugs or adding some whizbang feature. If you're actively maintaining and improving the project, the fork is unlikely to gain much steam. (But, I agree the right to fork is fundamental to open source, all other rights sort of spring from it.)

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Joe Cooper 💾

@dansup and, if all they have is a Discord (where open goes to die) I give them even lower odds of long-term success. If I'm choosing between two projects and one has documentation and a forum or issue tracker I can read/search without an account and the other primarily uses Discord, I'm choosing the former 100% of the time.

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