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Star Wars: Racer Revenge is the greatest game of all time

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

@dansup I can't in good conscience endorse a game, based on the movie that introduced the world to Jar Jar Binks.

...and defiled my childhood.

Jason Rimmer

@dansup Clearly an opinion as the fact is that Wave Race : Blue Storm is the greatest game of all time.


With the @pixelfed url shortener, you could share a post url with less than half the characters in some situations

For example lol:

would be shortened to

Groups will also use this to have easily recognizable and short sharable links like


I bought a short domain for @pixelfed and built a link shortener that turns links like


It will be available soon 😉


@pixelfed It's a very basic link shortener that will work with every pixelfed instance

Basically how it works is each instance is assigned an ID when the admin enables the feature, and then using a clever namespace syntax and base encoding, instances can generate links without having to send them to the domain - and the service simply decodes the syntax to the proper pixelfed url using the id of the instance!

Viktor Nagornyy

@dansup @pixelfed I don't know if it will be possible, consider joining to backup redirects and have them work in case you shut it down.


As @pixelfed becomes more mainstream, companies and brands will join as some have already

I need to add a "business profile" setting that limits inclusion into public feeds but still allows them to maintain a presence without being grouped in with spammers

Companies that post obvious spam don't deserve this, and they will be subject to Autospam too (maybe with slightly more consideration for links)

spaceotter :mastodon: 🏳️‍🌈

@dansup @pixelfed @Gargron @Mastodon

on a related topic, will #Mastodon & #PixelFed need to include markers/tags when media contains sponsored material or is a CW sufficient? Some nations require some level of disclosure; how have some AP services tackled this?


Discovery is hard to get right, fancy algorithms can work with enough data

When you don't have enough data, basic signals such as like or comment counts can do the job

Nothing beats human curated discovery though, and I can't do this alone

Imagine if I could delegate this to a group of trusted users who can find and add/categorize posts and together could vote on content and categories

Imagine a single person could be in charge for the day, and it rotates between them

Thoughts? #discovery

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The Apple App Store is a great example of human curated discovery.

I'd love to crowd source a basic iteration of this, where there is a "pic of the day" with a short summary of the account/context

Another section could be dedicated to "under the radar" accounts

The community could vote on monthly themes, like say nature, and have a section dedicated to that

I want discovery to be a lot better, but not forget the humanity and emotion that a endless algorithmic feed would

Sten the Sten

@dansup you could crowdsource suggested tags and suggested alt-text, maybe with an upvote system

James J Malcolm

@dansup remember the Sweden Twitter account that a random person got to take over (every week I think)?

You could do that, with an ever expanding selection of users, who effectively do a DJ-set of curated posts.

Maybe the nominated user has their likes within a set timespan shared in the Pixelfed Discovery Feed?


I ordered an Apple Watch Ultra (Pixelfed on WatchOS anyone?), and will be upgrading my iPhone next month.

With the 15 Pro, and my old 13 Pro and 11 Pro, I will be able to test across generations and strive for optimal performance ✨ #pixelfedApp

Григорий Клюшников

Get an iPod Touch. It has a weak-ass CPU that would help with performance tuning and it also doesn't have a notch so you could see any possible UI layout problems related to that.

Erik Beck

@dansup Need a tester on the iPhone 8 Jumbo? I keep it as a backup.


Well I feel dumb, the iPhone battery slowdown "feature" is why my iPhone 13 Pro can seem choppy or slow when browsing the @pixelfed app feeds

I know there are still a few perf/UX improvements to be done, but this drove me crazy until I realized it was happening in other apps too

This isn't as noticeable on the IG app, and is likely due to the way they render FlatList, this give me hope #pixeldev #pixelfedApp

noodlejetski :verified_gay:

@dansup sounds like a good way to assess performance on older devices :D


I wasn't planning on taking the last 2 weekends off, but life happens

I needed that break

Balance is the key, and I realize that. I'll still strive to surprise y'all, but not at the same pace

I'm a burnout, but I won't burnout.

Alex Hyett

@dansup I have realised this as well. My plan is to try and take off most of the school holidays so I can be present with my kids.

I have burnout once quite bad and I don’t want to do it again.

Erik Beck

@dansup Pace yourself sir! Take care of yourself and your family. Balance is indeed very important.


Registered a domain and started planning the next @pixelfed side project - a knowledge base for users and admins

It's still at least a month out, Groups, Stories + App Store release remain my current priorities!


It's really something to witness @pixelfed users and admins helping each other out when I'm AFK

Really proud of our community and reputation in the fediverse!


It appears federates, just observed this on

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Ole Dirty Rice :jeb:

@dansup It’s not surprising but I can’t believe has gotten through multiple fundraising rounds when people can invest in, for instance, a promising medical treatment raising money for a phase III trial.

Darnell Clayton :verified:

@dansup #Minds is partially federated.

Minds can follow #Pixelfed, #Mastodon, #Misskey, et al, accounts & be followed by #Fediverse accounts in return.

However, Minds is unable to ping Fediverse accounts when mentioning user handles.

They are attempting to solve this but I think they need help as Minds does not seem to making progress on that front.


@dansup hey we would love to touch base with you. Please check out our moderation strategy paper co-authored by some of the top experts and PhDs in extremism studies. Open to feedback.


My goal for this week is Groups!

@pixelfed Groups will ship with a full federated role and moderation system with audit logs, per user interaction limits, slow-join mode, fine grained permissions (ie: user must be a member for X days in order to do something) and group migration/delegation/consensus votes to prevent malicious takeover attempts and to give group members the power to organize their own migration to another server with new admins

#soon #pixelfed #groups


Pixelfed is built using some of the oldest open source projects (php, mysql, redis, bootstrap)

It's often joked about, but boring old tech has a tendency to just work

Have you seen a @pixelfed instance with database problems, ever?

Just goes to show that it's not what you use, but how you use it

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@dansup @pixelfed latest pixelfed release still have performance issues with local timeline. anything that we can look at? do you remember which commit fixed this?

Þór Sigurðsson

@dansup @pixelfed Didn't get far enough to have database problems as I have login screen problems that are showstopping my ise of pixelfed (self-hosted)

Eddie Lucitt

@dansup @pixelfed

My self-hosted instance of Pixelfed had many database problems, actually.

I installed through YunoHost and had sooo many issues. Photos were not loading. Instances were not federating. I gave up and moved back to Mastodon.

The YunoHost installer needs some serious work. So does YunoHost in general. I recently moved over to RunTipi and I'm not looking back. Would love to have Pixelfed on TIpi so I can give it another shot.


The secret to scalable #fediverse software is job queues and efficient in-memory data schema caches

Pixelfed has 10 different queues that handle 54 distinct jobs

From processing likes to de-duplicating certain inefficient inbox requests, we offload complex logic to background jobs

You can set balancing strategies, # of total workers, RAM limits per worker & much more!

Still have room to improve, but so far, we're keeping up without any scalability issues on with 10K MAU 😉


We also use caching A LOT!

There is a framework level config cache for all the files in `config/*.php` but editing the `.env` file requires restarting php/nginx due to opcache

So I made a redis/db config cache that allows you to edit settings in the admin dashboard, with immediate effect

We cache post objects by ids in our own schema and transform them to Masto or Pixelfed format depending on the request, allowing both MastoAPI support and our many innovative features

Will blog about this 😎


10K MAU may not seem like much compared to some instances, but the fact it runs on a single $50 VPS speaks volumes.


The lack of push notifications and email notifications in @pixelfed is a double edged sword.

On one hand, it feels good to see old school engagement where you have to make an effort to check up on your account

But on the other hand it decimates retention as the lack of interaction notifications can make it easy to forget.

Don't worry though, not only are push/email notifications coming, but you will be able to easily disable them.

Samir Al-Battran

@dansup @pixelfed
You are right!
One of the challenges I see with fedi-devs is that they are shy about basic retention strategies, leaving the field wide open to profit driven competitors to dominate.

Someone complaining about something shouldn't mean that's what everyone wants.
Make them easy to disable, or even ask the user if they want to enable them, many people want notifications! (Just make them fine grain, not all or nothing)

Rev. GothAlice

@dansup @pixelfed Curious idea: e-mail bridge. Reply to a notification to respond to it. I use Mailgun for this in my own apps, but it’s hardly free.


Stories are the most complex @pixelfed feature, and I'm just getting started

They federate already with comments, reactions and who viewed, not to mention our pioneering use of bearcaps for cross instance authorization

I've been working on mobile app support, stickers, mentions, polls, embeds, links, public stories and the redesigned story composer - I have my work cut out for me

Stories are huge among my friends, and I believe this network effect will be essential to our growth 🚀


So here is a conundrum I'm facing with @pixelfed Stories, you can like, react or comment on them right, and those are sent as DM's to the Story author.

Makes sense so far right?

Here is the problem:

Once the Story expires, it's deleted, and when you check your DM's, you'll see the replies but since the Story was deleted you won't be able to tell which one it was.

So should we store a Story preview img, or rotate the Story so only author can see it?

Feedback wanted!

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Roland L. Taylor (RolandiXor)

@dansup @pixelfed I think it would be best to preserve the story for the author, but it should also be optional, of course.


@dansup @pixelfed
If you're keeping the feedback en masse, there should be an identifier for each.


Had a blast on Friday, reconnected with a buddy who I have so much in common with and we spent a few hours trying to take the best #astrophotography pics with our phones as everyone else was partying lol

Next time we go out there, I'm bringing my telescope.

I'm obsessed with astronomy and can't wait to share pics from my telescope 🔭


@dansup that’s great😅 I have a few photos that look exactly like this.


So when you tap on a Story, before it loads you are shown a warning that indicates that the Story author will see that you viewed it.

Story authors will be able to see who viewed, and this is a fair compromise for Follower-only Stories.

For Public Stories, I'm debating logging views as the context isn't as meaningful.

What do you think? #askFedi #pixelfed

Григорий Клюшников

Instagram only does this when you open a story directly by its URL (e.g. someone sent you a link). This makes sense because you don't always know where links lead so the confirmation prevents any inadvertent exposure to the story author. But when you tap a story in the UI, it's a conscious action, you already know that you're opening a story and that doing so would expose you to its author.



I expect you're still going to capture the count of views, even if not the users who viewed in that case?


@dansup i’d still like to see who viewed even for public stories. Or maybe it can be opt-in / opt-out


I also updated, special thanks to @NGIZero for sponsoring @pixelfed!

I added a new sponsors section in the footer to show our appreciation!

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