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788 posts total
Darius Kazemi

This seems really silly but does anyone know how to use Google Backup and Sync to synchronize folders on two different computers? The main answer I can find online is this horror show of an answer:

Darius Kazemi

Like I assumed "sync" let me sync computers but maybe it only means "sync individual devices with Google drive"?

Darius Kazemi

I don't know if I've recommended Roam Research here before, it's a mental organizing tool for research that works well for my brain. They just took $9M in funding so I fully expect them to either not be around in 5 years or to make some compromises that make them fully unacceptable for me to use in 5 years. I am old enough to know that there is no middle ground. So I now retract any recommendations I had previously made.

This page includes many self hosted alternatives:

I don't know if I've recommended Roam Research here before, it's a mental organizing tool for research that works well for my brain. They just took $9M in funding so I fully expect them to either not be around in 5 years or to make some compromises that make them fully unacceptable for me to use in 5 years. I am old enough to know that there is no middle ground. So I now retract any recommendations I had previously made.

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I've been using a fairly patched-up gitit to great success. Version control, categories, and templates make for some nice notetaking no matter where I am.

Digital Ape
@darius I second @kawaiipunk about tiddlywiki. There are two apps built on TW using plugins billed as Roam alternatives: TiddlyResearch and Stroll With a basic understanding of programming concepts you can build on and turn TiddlyWiki into anything you want. It has a NodeJS server as well that can be used to serve files or do things like make a static site generator.
Darius Kazemi

Update: I've tried out a bunch of solutions and unfortunately Roam is the only one that offers real block-level transclusion that isn't a messy hack. I've decided to continue paying for Roam but also pay for Obsidian in the hopes that they (or some other non-hosted or self-hosted solution) manage to figure it out.

For a short example of block-level transclusion in action see here

Darius Kazemi

I'm sorry Ms. Jackson (Oooooo)
I am for eels
Pro/con list composed of kinds of fish
Eels found in "pro" that is my wish

Darius Kazemi

"Same-Sex Couples Are More Likely to Adopt or Foster Children"

New US census report (based on the ACS 2019 data) shows that same-sex couples are more likely to foster children. I am in a same-sex marriage and I don't usually talk about this next part publicly AT ALL but I have a foster kid and I highly recommend it for queer families, especially since a high proportion of foster kids are queer themselves.

"Same-Sex Couples Are More Likely to Adopt or Foster Children"

New US census report (based on the ACS 2019 data) shows that same-sex couples are more likely to foster children. I am in a same-sex marriage and I don't usually talk about this next part publicly AT ALL but I have a foster kid and I highly recommend it for queer families, especially since a high proportion of foster...

Darius Kazemi

(I could argue with the term "same-sex" but whatever, for census purposes we would definitely be counted as "same-sex")

DNA Levity :intention:

@darius thanks for fostering! So many kids need loving parents.

Bradley Momberger

@darius I did not know this until now, but cool! Solid respect to you & your family.

Darius Kazemi

Is there a place to buy mp3s of albums that I can download that isn't Amazon and also has a wider selection than Bandcamp? like, I want to buy some albums that are from popular artists who just aren't on Bandcamp but I also don't want to patronize Amazon if I can help it

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neil 🍄

@darius and are great and although I am somewhat stretching the definition of popular


@darius I asked this same question here in January, and while I don't want to go down the rabbithole of finding that thread again, here are the bookmarks I kept from it:

I have since used 7digital and been happy with the experience.

@darius I asked this same question here in January, and while I don't want to go down the rabbithole of finding that thread again, here are the bookmarks I kept from it:

external quantum efficiency

@darius I've been meaning to try qobuz next time I need to buy music

Darius Kazemi

on the one hand I don't like Valve's near-monopoly of major PC game releases, on the other hand I don't like that the answer to that in 2020 seems to be an Epic/Valve duopoly where I now have to have two separate game launchers installed on my PC :(

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@darius there's the GOG launcher that can bring all your libraries together, but you naturally still need to have the original launchers installed so it's a bit like that XKCD


Valve's Steam, EA's Origin, GOG's Galaxy,, Epic Games Store, Indiegala's galaK, Rockstar Games Launcher, Ubisoft's UPlay, and another one starting with a d I can't remember what it was called, have all been on my pc...

Григорий Клюшников

The good thing is that Windows still allows running unsigned code. There's no one inherently controlling it; there's no "platform" with its needy policies, technically. Just to put that into perspective, in the Mac world, it's getting increasingly worse because Apple keeps tightening its control over what is allowed to run on macOS. Basically, if you don't have a $99/year developer account, and if you don't put all your binaries through Apple servers to have them, as they call it, "notarized", Catalina treats your apps almost as if they're known malware.

The bad thing about Windows is that 10 is still user-hostile. They even renamed "My Computer" to "This Computer". It's no longer yours, it belongs to Microsoft, and they decide when it installs updates!

Anyway, I don't quite understand the technical need for game launchers. Why can't they just give you a standalone installer like in the old days?

The good thing is that Windows still allows running unsigned code. There's no one inherently controlling it; there's no "platform" with its needy policies, technically. Just to put that into perspective, in the Mac world, it's getting increasingly worse because Apple keeps tightening its control over what is allowed to run on macOS. Basically, if you don't have a $99/year developer account, and if you don't put all your binaries through Apple servers to have them, as they call it, "notarized", Catalina...

Darius Kazemi

I made an account where you can follow the blog of the really smart/excellent human Clarissa Littler


Blog here:

Bjørn Stærk 🇳🇴

@darius I love the idea of doing RSS to ActivityPub. Hope to get your service up and running for myself when I have time.

Darius Kazemi

The anthropologist David Graeber just died. He is one of my primary intellectual influences, and his book DEBT changed my life back in 2011:

Some articles of his that are also really important to me:

Using our mid-20th century projections of flying cars as a jumping-off point to think about what actually happened to material progress in the last 50 years:

On bullshit make-work that contributes to the above:

The anthropologist David Graeber just died. He is one of my primary intellectual influences, and his book DEBT changed my life back in 2011:

Some articles of his that are also really important to me:

Using our mid-20th century projections of flying cars as a jumping-off point to think about what actually happened to material progress in the last 50 years:

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@darius oh my god this is heartbreaking... debt and bullshit jobs were super formative to me too... rest in peace


@darius oh no :( I read Debt too, it was excellent.

magical :tilde:

@darius This is tragic. Debt left a big impression on me; it is one of the few books i've taken the time to go back and re-read.

Darius Kazemi

Anyone have any suggestions for converting DRMed Amazon ebooks to PDF or epub? I really want to read them on a device of my choice.

I tried Calibre and the de-DRM plugins like a year ago and just could not get them to work at all.

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Iron Pencil Statue :lapis:

@darius i'm not 100% but I think part of it is de-DRM can't keep up with Amazon's updates. So if your device is up-to-date many things might have trouble jailbreaking the books.

Deborah Pickett

@darius There are some important limitations on the DeDRM Kindle plugin now. If you have a physical E-ink Kindle device then you can pull the book files off your Kindle and convert them in calibre. You need to enter your Kindle’s serial number in the DeDRM settings somewhere. Kindle for Mac and Kindle for PC are a tougher proposition. They still work but only under certain conditions. A new installation on Catalina will certainly not work. An older 32-bit Kindle for Mac does, with effort.


@darius try the same plugin in windows os. It wont work in linux

Darius Kazemi

I finally wrote up something explaining that Twitter has not allowed people to pick usernames during signup for almost 3 years now, and that a "jsmith12345678" username pretty much just means you're dealing with a not super technically savvy social media literate person.

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Suitably ballyhooed

@darius that’s a good write-up! I agree with the conclusion that it’s rude to dismiss these folks but I think we could do a lot better at criticizing the system that throws them into the midst of it like that: they are probably behaving in a rude way, without realizing it - and Twitter the platform does nothing to teach them how to behave well in this chorus of misery.


I wonder what played a bigger role in this design choice:
• Twitter wanting to put less focus on pseudonymic usernames/handles and more on 'real' names.
• easier to understand to 'normies' / non-techie users who perhaps don't know what is meant by a username or handle, or why they'd need one
• reducing potential on-boarding friction from telling users their desired username is already taken


@darius this explains why my mom's twitter handle has the word "gmail" in it lol

Darius Kazemi

I wrote an article about the history of the HTTP status code and what I think it tells us about designing specifications and APIs:

If you liked my @365-rfcs project, this is a direct outgrowth of that work.

Darius Kazemi

I included a digression on the concept of historical contingency that got edited down significantly. It probably helped the article read better but I wish I'd figured out a way to talk about that more.


@darius this is great, thank you for writing and sharing. I appreciate the breakdown of the history, which was very easy to follow (as a semi-laypersonnin this area)

∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷

@darius @365-rfcs Thank you for sharing this. I'm curious how many opportunities are there today to actually invent something new, technology-wise. It seems most things are more like refinements and improvements of things that already exist(ed), or ports / reimplementations of existing techology between programming languages. On the other hand, there are still an infinity of problems to solve (often created by the technology itself), but they are rarely as signnificant.

Darius Kazemi

Whenever I type in an Outlook Web Access url (, etc), in my head I hear a DJ doing a baby scratch on a sample of someone saying "oh" (owa-owa-owa-owa)

Darius Kazemi

Attempting to make sense of my music collection once again. Basically iTunes circa 2004 was my perfect music management situation: all my mp3s in one place, searchable database, synced to a mobile device (iPod in that case), dynamic playlists. After iTunes became unusable, I moved to Google Music, which is of course now deprecated, so I downloaded my collection and am seeking suggestions for music library management software!

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@darius I use Logitech media server so I can do multi room audio. It's a bit of an old school web interface but it's cool. It's all open source these days.

3 Rocks Stacked :manjaro:

@darius Great question. If you find it, let me know. I am living with Rhythmbox and Lollipop on Linux, but still not as good as I imagine it could be.

Darius Kazemi

This little game where you control a "maple copter" as it floats to the ground is really lovely.

Darius Kazemi

Seriously considering eating one BLT a day until peak tomato season is over.


@darius can i arrange some sort of blt-by-mail club?? 😭

Darius Kazemi

Been meaning to make this for a while

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Shinobi Frankenstein

@darius You don’t have to drive like your kids to be here… but it lives.

Shinobi Frankenstein

@darius You don’t have to drive like your kids to be here… but it lives!

Darius Kazemi

@Alex Let me know if you'd like to be listed on the wiki page of Hometown instances, btw!

Alex P (She/Her)

@darius That would be cool, thank you! What sort of information should I send/how should I send it?

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