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29 posts total
James Chip

"Moderate people, not software" sounds great, but people write software; and hence we should moderate the software they write too.

You don't get to consider the software you write as neutral and entirely seperate from yourself.

If you write a software that circumvents consent, that that is a reflection on you and your beliefs.

James Chip

Well, well, well, look what was waiting for me on the doorstep when I got home. Cant wait to dive in @rek

James Chip

Nothing is going to make me lose all respect for someones tech opinions faster than when they say something like "everything should be done in the browser, no need for native app bullshit".

I don't think thesepeople understand computers at all.


@jameschip and then it's not the browser, it's The Browser, that is to say Chrome

James Chip

2024 - the year of Ned Ludd on desktop.


@jameschip ohh I would be so down.
I'm sure plenty of boat Merveillians have home recipes that work with small prep spaces, have long lasting ingredients or results and are mostly hob or wood stovetop based.

It would be so interesting seeing the probably huge variation in kitchen facilities we have, and how that is reflected in the food!

James Chip

This is my new game The Adventurer: Space between the Stars; a solo journalling about drifting from planet to planet in your ship, and the things that happen along the way.

This is a sci-fi re-spin of another of my games (The Adventurer) that uses two tables to weave a story.

One table sees you sitting in your ship.sliding across the sky. The next has you landing at your anchorage and taking in your new surroundings.


@jameschip how is this different to alone amongst the stars?

James Chip

Honestly, I started writing this way back in 2019, shortly after I released The Adventurer.

I could never quite make it work though because I didn't want it to just be a quick re-skin of it. I wanted it to feel like it's own individual game.

Then, I finally cracked it and last October did the cover ready to release.

I was going to do this as a zine for zimo, but I had to cancel because I got very ill and took considerable time to recover.

Anyway, here it is, at last.

I think it is good.

James Chip

Me in my late 20s: I receive a call at 2am, it wakes me up. My friend is outside with a case of beer on the way to a party in the woods. Yes. I throw some clothes on and dont arrive home for 2 days wearing someone elses clothes.

Me in my late 30s: I receive a yext at lunch time, a friend would like to meet me one evening next month. I am unsure I want to make the effort, and you will have to pry this blanket and hot water bottle off me with power tools. I am in a decade old cosy jumper.


@jameschip if I get a call at 2am these days it is always bad news.

Zatty :meowybara:

@jameschip that decade old cosy jumper was probably someone elses when you were in your late 20s if I'm doing my math right.

James Chip

You likely don't need a blog, you need a wiki.

Seriously, most people dont realise that what they really want is a little wiki to put notes and ideas into, not a blog filled with articles that you arent going to write.

James Chip

Blogs carry an expectation of creating something polished for others to read. A blog is a product.

Wikis can be a collection of notes and partially formed ideas for you to use. A wiki is a tool.


A personal wiki part of which could be published online is even better.

Bad Diode

@jameschip so true, my website is one of the best things I’ve done. I store most of my notes there and organically grows as needed. You can reference notes and projects from everywhere and share them with others folks. No expectation to publish or make a serious pice of writing. I prefer the term digital garden or exobrain though :)

James Chip

One of the things I have noticed this year about submissions to the jam is that very few people link to their twitter account.

Previous years a majority of people put a link to their twitter in the web box.

This year there has been an uptick in people linking out to their itch pages, and an nice uptick in people linking to personal pages too.

James Chip

Full text search is going to encourage the use of Masto as a tool for storing information. People will make posts and expect to be able to look them up later for reference.

This is a terrible practice, people did this withnthe dead bird and now lots of stuff is either gone, or inacessable.

Masto is not a place to keep data long term. If you have things you need for long term reference then copy that stuff to a website that you run and are in control of. One where you know it will stay.

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Anthony Sorace

@jameschip I agree that’s a terrible practice, but my main counterpoint would be that people are going to do it anyway. that almost certainly means search is coming, one way or another. Had my Trevor Seton “on site“, in a way that can respect the fediverse, then buy some external Google service or whatever.

But yes, people should make their own websites and put things there.

W.H. Arthur

@jameschip At this point, I've accepted that nothing is permanent on the internet. There might be a few small things I want people to be able to access long term, but I'm too lazy to run my own server.


@jameschip from my perspective full text search is more about following unfolding/current events and/or discovering new accounts posting about same. That was the only thing I ever used search on twitter for, and it was also the only thing I ever used twitter for. I don’t think it would have ever occurred to me to use search on twitter or mastodon for what you’re suggesting.

James Chip

Yesterday I heard someone on the radio arguing against working from home, and I havent been able to get it out of my head.

When the person she was "debating" with said "I save 90 minutes a day on the commute" she replied:

"I can imagine that being a good thing if it translated to 90 minutes more work, but people just use it to have a leisurely breakfast, or spend time cooking a nicer evening meal instead of being productive."

I just cant understand how you can be so broken as a person.

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Jim Hubbell

I always worked a factory job, so no chance of working from home. But after a while, the bosses decided 12 hour shifts with peculiar days off so no more than 80 in a pay period to avoid overtime. Us workers adjusted our break schedules without management permission so the net result was no more productivity, just passed off workers who are constantly quitting as they find better jobs.

Big Pawed Bear

@tristan @jameschip basically if you're not working for the corperat they are pissed off.


@jameschip Yeah, an extra hour and a half of unpaid labor! I can't wait!

James Chip

Finally getting there. I have switched over to my new website. I still need to get a load of other content up, but the website it live!

Devine Lu Linvega

@jameschip excellent kickoff for the new site :) suggestion: I'd put the about stuff from the home into an about page.

James Chip

A few days ago my wife watched me tie my shoelace and commented on how weird it was.

We tie our shoes differently it seems.

Abyway, now I have dived down a hole of different ways to tie your shoes, which has led to this page:

James Chip

This site has made me change the way I tie my shoes. I am an Ian Knot stan now.

James Chip

The existence of fire exits infers the existence of fire entrances.

James Chip

How about instead of HD remakes of games we do SD demakes instead.

James Chip

A new contender for CEO of mastodon appears!

James Chip

Had a few moments this morning so added a little game over message to my uxn snake port.

It is amazing how with just a little time you can do things with uxn.

James Chip

Falafel. Tomorrow I must hunt down falafel.

James Chip

A little UXN progress this morning!

I got the movement and growth working on my port of snake!

I also got the collision with the snake body working but you cant see that because a snake of 3 cant collide with itself.

Just need to keep score, increase speed as you eat and that is pretty much it.

James Chip

I am 100% sure I have gone about this a completely weird and round the houses way, but it works, and pretty well too!

Ill finish it up and then pop the source online so you can all judge me.

Devine Lu Linvega

@jameschip little idea: you could read and write position in a single opcode if you wanted by doing something like this:

( zero page )
@player &pos &x $1 &y $1

( snake )
.player/pos LDZ2

That would grab .player/x and .player/y at once :uxn:

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