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James Chip

Full text search is going to encourage the use of Masto as a tool for storing information. People will make posts and expect to be able to look them up later for reference.

This is a terrible practice, people did this withnthe dead bird and now lots of stuff is either gone, or inacessable.

Masto is not a place to keep data long term. If you have things you need for long term reference then copy that stuff to a website that you run and are in control of. One where you know it will stay.

James Chip

Basically, stop treating brittle social sites as archival. It never was a good idea, and it never will be.


@jameschip I confess I do that a lot, search my old posts. I make off-line backups of my archive every now and then.

anova (she/they/it)
@jameschip I've never heard this specific take on full text search but you're very right. Whether or not people want microblogging to be ephemeral, it really just doesn't do non-ephemerality well. Not like the million other better options for persistent content.

Whenever someone tries, it feels strange to me. Like browsing the internet as a teenager knowing your parents are logging your search history. You feel like you need to act very intentionally, which makes it harder to have the kinds of organic conversations the fediverse seems to promote. That might just be me, though. I suppose it depends on what you want to get out of it
@jameschip I've never heard this specific take on full text search but you're very right. Whether or not people want microblogging to be ephemeral, it really just doesn't do non-ephemerality well. Not like the million other better options for persistent content.

@jameschip I tend to prefer the practice of saving important data on three hard drives, and ensuring that one is not connected to the internet.

@jameschip That's a people problem, not a technology problem. People will always do the wrong thing.

However being unable to find anything on here without playing "guess the hashtag" is a technology problem.

Day 1 of Mastodon for casual users - it's dead, there's nothing to read, I don't know anyone, the search is broken, I'm off back to Twitter.

But also yes, stop storing important stuff on social media, that's not its purpose.

James Chip

@james no, it is a technology problem. People will use the technology how the technology implies it can be used.

Allowing people to bookmark and search up toots implies that they aren't impermanent, when they are very likely to just vanish or become inacessable at any moment.

@jameschip but implication is not intent. A screwdriver implies it can be used to open paint cans, but if you try you might bend it.

If people learn posts are not permanent, they've learnt a useful lesson about data online. If it's not on your machine, it can just go away.

I don't believe in protecting users from every dumb mistake, it just makes smarter idiots.

:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@jameschip I've never understood this mindset of the fediverse being *ephemeral* by design or on purpose.

I see it as ephemeral because of technical limitations... It's a real "ship of theseus" problem, If instances have a short half life, with a large percentage of them dying every year.. over a short amount of time data rot is just going to happen (which is your point)

but if accounts were nomadic or systems were put in place, it's not an impossible problem.

which returns to the main question... should the problem be solved? Is the fediverse bitrot a feature and not a bug? I think it's a bug.

It might be a good mistake, but the idea it was on purpose doesn't sit right with me.

@jameschip I've never understood this mindset of the fediverse being *ephemeral* by design or on purpose.

I see it as ephemeral because of technical limitations... It's a real "ship of theseus" problem, If instances have a short half life, with a large percentage of them dying every year.. over a short amount of time data rot is just going to happen (which is your point)

James Chip

@shlee it is a feature, not a bug.

Account deletion is a feature.
Defederation is a feature.
Moving instance is a feature.
Post deletion is a feature.
Account blocking is a feature.
Being able to delete an instance is a feature.

Bit rot is inherrent to federated networks.

James Chip

@shlee people setting toots to auto delete after X ammount of time. Theres another one.

Nothing in this place should be treated as archival

:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@jameschip That's more about self autonomy (or self governance) than protocol? Giving people the OPTION to auto delete isn't inherent part of the protocol...

James Chip

@shlee this isn't abot protocol but about a feature being added that will imply to people that content should be acessible long term, when that is not the case.

:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@jameschip ok. that said.. where is the line then?

Toots could have TTLs? similar to snapchat with years.

L. Rhodes

@jameschip Conversely, if you don't want people constantly dredging up things you said years ago, the addition of full text search is a good time to set your posts to auto-delete. (Which is, I believe, good practice for most people anyway.)

OrX_Qx pirateradio
@James Chip It depends a lot of type of software. For Masto it is true, but Mastodon is not the only social software and there are other which are more targeted to make online archive and they are good at it. In fact, "websites" like Wordpress sites can have ActivityPub plugin and archive portals can have social features too. And it is good idea, you can follow new accessions on archival portals and other news. Archives can actually be social sites.

@jameschip Sounds like Slack - people think it is actually useful for such things when it is mostly just a noisy version of IRC with a really ugly API

Anthony Sorace

@jameschip I agree that’s a terrible practice, but my main counterpoint would be that people are going to do it anyway. that almost certainly means search is coming, one way or another. Had my Trevor Seton “on site“, in a way that can respect the fediverse, then buy some external Google service or whatever.

But yes, people should make their own websites and put things there.

W.H. Arthur

@jameschip At this point, I've accepted that nothing is permanent on the internet. There might be a few small things I want people to be able to access long term, but I'm too lazy to run my own server.


@jameschip from my perspective full text search is more about following unfolding/current events and/or discovering new accounts posting about same. That was the only thing I ever used search on twitter for, and it was also the only thing I ever used twitter for. I don’t think it would have ever occurred to me to use search on twitter or mastodon for what you’re suggesting.

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