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:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@jameschip I've never understood this mindset of the fediverse being *ephemeral* by design or on purpose.

I see it as ephemeral because of technical limitations... It's a real "ship of theseus" problem, If instances have a short half life, with a large percentage of them dying every year.. over a short amount of time data rot is just going to happen (which is your point)

but if accounts were nomadic or systems were put in place, it's not an impossible problem.

which returns to the main question... should the problem be solved? Is the fediverse bitrot a feature and not a bug? I think it's a bug.

It might be a good mistake, but the idea it was on purpose doesn't sit right with me.

James Chip

@shlee it is a feature, not a bug.

Account deletion is a feature.
Defederation is a feature.
Moving instance is a feature.
Post deletion is a feature.
Account blocking is a feature.
Being able to delete an instance is a feature.

Bit rot is inherrent to federated networks.

James Chip

@shlee people setting toots to auto delete after X ammount of time. Theres another one.

Nothing in this place should be treated as archival

:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@jameschip That's more about self autonomy (or self governance) than protocol? Giving people the OPTION to auto delete isn't inherent part of the protocol...

James Chip

@shlee this isn't abot protocol but about a feature being added that will imply to people that content should be acessible long term, when that is not the case.

:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@jameschip ok. that said.. where is the line then?

Toots could have TTLs? similar to snapchat with years.

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